A total of two and a half tons of plastic caps has been collected by the D'Genes Rare Diseases Association within the framework of the campaign carried out by its delegation from Lorca and coordinated by several partners of the entity and relatives of people with little pathologies frequent.The caps have already been transferred to the recycling plant, which has allowed the association to receive an economic consideration for them that will be used to maintain the portfolio of services that the entity provides in Lorca to improve the quality of life of people and families living with rare and undiagnosed diseases.From D'Genes we want to thank all the residents who, during the time that the campaign has lasted, which has already ended, have contributed to the association the caps they have collected.
We also want to thank the commercial establishments, women's associations and neighborhood associations in Lorca that have collaborated in collecting them, as well as the Parque Almenara Shopping Center and Felipe VI Sports Complex, where points were also established to deposit them.
.Likewise, the association would like to thank the Ruíz y Valero transport company for their collaboration in transporting the collected caps to the recycling plant.
Source: D´Genes