| Sosa will defend a motion in the plenary session next week so that all those that should be public services (garbage, water, ORA, transport, parks and gardens ) are managed effectively in a single company | Pedro Sosa, spokesman councilor for Izquierda Unida Verdes in the city of Lorca, announced this morning the meaning of one of the motions that they will present to the Plenary for the month of October, consisting of the grouping of the different public services provided by the consistory and those that are privatized in a single public management company. This initiative continues with the line of protection and improvement of public services that defends the formation of the left, such as the creation of the Table for the Health of Lorca, approved in plenary session last month after the IU proposal, whose aspiration is to protect the public nature of the provision of quality health services in the municipality of Lorca, discarding the policy of outsourcing and concerts. The commitment to the defense of public services is one of the essential pillars in the investiture agreement reached with the PSOE.
Said agreement expressly cites that: "The local government undertakes to study the opportunity to create a" Municipal Services Company "that brings together the various public services that are provided directly by the City Council, proceeding to end outsourcing existing of some public services of municipal ownership ". For Sosa, it is inexplicable that private companies, such as Acciona or Aguas de Lorca, are allowed to gain a benefit that does not redound to the municipality and that to top it all they do not provide their services with the expected efficiency.
Examples of this are the poor state of conservation of some gardens, such as the one on the slope of Puente Nuevo, attached to the shopping center parking lot, or the robbery recently committed in the collection of water bills during confinement. For this reason, it is essential to recover these services and include them together with those already provided by LIMUSA (exterior and interior), plus those of Crane, ORA and Public Transport, so the agreement to be approved will be as follows: The local government, Through its technical services, it will produce a detailed report aimed at assessing the opportunity and convenience of creating a "Municipal Services Company", which groups together the various public services that are provided directly by the City Council, proceeding to end the Existing outsourcing of some municipally owned public services.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca