A total of 180 women participate in the regional project and it is financed with 50,000 euros by the Ministry of Women, Equality, LGTBI, Families and Social Policy.
22 artisans have received training in gender violence and 180 women affected by gender violence will receive artisan training The mayor of Lorca, Diego José Mateos, the deputy mayor, Francisco Morales, the general director of Consumption and Crafts, Carolina Espinosa, and the general director of Women and Gender Diversity, María José García, presented this morning at the Casa del Artesano from Lorca the project 'Empoder-Arte'. It is a project that is part of the Regional Pact against Gender Violence and the Plan for Innovation and Modernization of Crafts in the Region of Murcia that aims to contribute to the empowerment of a total of 180 women victims of gender violence or likely to be, helping them to have confidence and security in themselves through the combination of knowledge of artisan trades and female empowerment. The mayor of Lorca, Diego José Mateos, has pointed out the "double objective pursued by this project as a tool for insertion in the labor market, either through self-employment or as an employee in artisan companies, live the experience of learning a craft activity ". Diego José Mateos has highlighted "the transversality with which this project has, because in the fight against gender violence we must all be involved and this is a clear example, with two general directorates of the regional government, several councils of the City of Lorca, Commerce and Crafts, Equality and Culture, and also the Federation of Women's Associations of Lorca, all concerned about equality and taking another step towards that goal.
" The Mayor has reiterated that "from the City Council we are working on various lines to achieve full equality and it is clear that initiatives like these will help, since it is one more step.
Furthermore, at the City Council we are always open to this type of initiatives that serve to improve the lives of women, our neighbors, neighborhoods and districts, so that in a while we will not have to talk about achieving equality but about preserving it, to achieve this we are working tirelessly from all administrations ". The Deputy Mayor of Lorca and Councilor for Crafts, Francisco Morales, stressed that "'Empoder-arte' represents a perfect symbiosis between crafts and helping vulnerable women.
On the one hand, it develops specific training actions in artisan trades, through workshops held by artisans with recognized experience in their trades, who help spread artisan skills and, on the other hand, we help small groups of students through empowerment talks and accompaniment to women in this process that enhance their labor insertion and autonomy ". For her part, the General Director of Consumption and Crafts, Carolina Espinosa, has valued this project very positively "which has become a new resource aimed at promoting the employability of women in vulnerable situations, especially victims of gender violence, fostering their creativity and their labor insertion, either in artisan companies or as a formula for self-employment ". Finally, María José García, general director of Women and Gender Diversity, stated that "these artisan workshops are necessary tools for women victims of violence to start a personal project that allows them to be more financially independent, as a first step to dare to report.
From coordinated work, the results will always be more beneficial.
" Once the training is finished, activities will be carried out to recognize their work, through exhibitions, dissemination in networks and participation in exhibitions.
The search for participating female students is carried out through the Centers for Attention to Victims of Gender Violence in the Murcia region (CAVIs) and in collaboration with third sector entities, as in the case of Lorca are Artelor and the Federation of Lorca Women's Organizations.
Until the month of December, a total of 22 courses will be held in the Region, with a duration of 3 hours per day and a total of 15 hours, so that these women can start embroidering, fire enamel for jewelry, cardboard stone, ceramic jewelry, esparto grass, painting, nativity scenes, pottery, flower arrangements or woolen toys. The project focuses on some of the axes of action of the State Pact against Gender Violence, such as: knowledge, coordination and networking; comprehensive assistance and protection for victims; awareness and prevention; the formation; and transversality and governance. In summary, a total of 22 artisans, who have been previously sensitized against gender violence, will be in charge of giving these courses in small groups of no more than six women and with all the protocols against COVID-19, to transmit them the knowledge of the trade, the realization of artisan products, the exhibition and dissemination of their work, the physical and mental strengthening of women and even their initiation as autonomous.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca