The Councilor for Culture highlighted "the many initiatives launched with the help of new technologies such as micro-concerts or photography or story contests during confinement; the impulse to the University Campus with new degrees" and regarding the historic center He hopes that "this year the strategic project of regional interest can be resumed." The Councilor for Culture, University, Old Town and Historical Heritage, Mar a ngeles Mazuecos, has taken stock, this morning, of the actions in these management areas during 2020.
The Councilor for Culture recalled that "2020 has been marked by the health pandemic, which has also affected culture, a sector heavily punished by the hygienic-sanitary measures that have made it impossible for many events such as the Night of the Museums, the International Dance Day, the War Theater programming, the folklore festivals, Holy Week, the Virgen de las Huertas festivities and part of the San Clemente festivals.
" Mar a ngeles Mazuecos pointed out that "the main thing was to guarantee the safety and health of our neighbors and also of the many citizens who came to our city attracted by the wide cultural and musical offer, that we hope we can recover during this new year.
" The mayor of Culture has detailed that "despite the circumstances, there have been several organized cultural activities, such as the 'As mate a Lorca', a complete program for the summer of Lorca with cinema, concerts, theater, sports and visits Guided and dramatized, among others, the program 'Verano de Cine' that premiered a new projection booth for the Plaza de Calder n and that was also held simultaneously in the Parque de San Jos .
In addition to the performances of 'M sica en los balcones', 'Las Nights del Guevara' with theatrical visits; the micro-concerts programmed by the Municipal Band of Music of Lorca and the Department of Culture, with more than 30,000 views of the published videos and the transmission of a special program 'The night of the museums'through Comarcal TV ".
Mazuecos Moreno has highlighted "the important work carried out during the hardest months of confinement, above all, through social networks and official channels offering different content to make the days at home more bearable with the diffusion of films, short films, virtual visits to museums such as the Archaeological Museum, or the photography 'CREAENCASA' and Literature 'Relato Corto Coninado', both organized by the Popular University ".
Also in the cultural sphere, in terms of investments, the mayor has detailed "the 35,000 euros destined to the repair and modernization of the Guerra Theater and the sculpture of San Bartolom found in the church of San Patrick".
Within the cultural offer, during the last weeks the painting and sculpture works of the students of the Municipal School of Plastic and Performing Arts have been exhibited in the Cultural Center and the photographic exhibition 'Lorca.
The looks of the three cultures' at the Esp n Cultural Center.
And on the occasion of Christmas, among others, together with Celebrations we organized the I Christmas Contest to decorate balconies and windows 2020, whose prizes we gave this past Saturday; and through the Universidad Popular Lorca, the Creative Christmas Classrooms 'Imagine Christmas through Art'.
Mar a ngeles Mazuecos has recalled the collaboration that exists throughout the year with different associations that has allowed, among others, to be able to count one more year and despite the extraordinary circumstances of the city's monumental municipal Bethlehem at the Guevara Palace next to the Lorca Belenista Association, or the celebration of the International Flamenco Day with the gala 'Autumn Flamenco Ciudad del Sol' in Plaza Calder n, by the hand of the Peña Flamenca Sun City".
Also, during this year, the mayor highlighted that "we have been able to put into practice a new cultural project sponsored by the Department of Culture, the 'Creative Arches' whose objective was to offer the municipal shelters to art productions The filmmaker from Lorca, Dany Campos, for the filming of some scenes of his latest feature film; the shooting of the last project of Lorca Producciones13, 'Porapp '; or the creation of two musicals with El Molino, productions ".
Mazuecos has also referred to the work carried out to renovate the facilities of the Popular University, as well as the adaptation of new spaces of 216 m2, in the La Alberca Bridge, or the placement, in the Plaza del Negrito , from a tile mural with the poem that the poet Carlos Mellado dedicated to this space.
Mar a ngeles Mazuecos has highlighted that "there have been many activities that have had to rely on new technologies to be able to carry out due to this pandemic, such as the auditions of end-of-year students of the Municipal School of M sica or the celebration of the XXXI International Folklore Festival 'Ciudad de Lorca'.
In the area of ??management of the University, Mazuecos has highlighted "the steps taken by the University Campus of Lorca to offer, this new course, the Double Degree in Sciences of Physical Activity and Sports and Nutrition , and continue working for the final approval of the Degree in Occupational Therapy.
An institution that this past year celebrated the tenth anniversary of its opening and with which, from the City Council, through the Councils of Agriculture and Livestock and the University, we closed a collaboration agreement between the Lorca campus and companies in the food sector of the municipality, for the research and development of our products.
" Regarding Historical Heritage, Mar a ngeles Mazuecos explained that "it has been used to give the last impulse to the Master Plan for the recovery of the heritage of Lorca dependent on the European Investment Bank (EIB), and the culmination of projects such as the rehabilitation of the façade, with municipal funds, and part of the interior of the Guevara Palace, improving accessibility and avoiding humidity.
And eight years later the archeology works have returned to the Juder a lorquina, where we are carrying out restoration, signage and signage work in the Castillo archaeological park ".
The Councilor for Historical Heritage has specified that "in 2020 the rehabilitation works of the Coso de Sutullena began; they have continued the restoration of the canvas of the ceiling of the Casino's ballroom to restore its splendor, they have started the procedures for the old Prison to be classified as an Asset of Cultural Interest (BIC).
The City Council has also requested the Community to recover the Serrata mines with ERDF funds ".
They have also continued the archeology work and the modification of the project for the conservation of the remains found in the Cloister of Santo Domingo; the start of the process of contracting the works in the hermitages of Calvario; the adjudication procedures for the restoration of the Escarambrujo hydraulic complex; as well as the agreement for the restoration of the cemetery of San Clemente by the EIB ".
Regarding the Old Town, the councilor highlighted the agreement reached by the Urban Planning Council with Iberdrola for the removal of wiring in several streets of the old town or the construction also in the old town.
Rich of a new hotel.
The study that we are carrying out from the Consistory for the pedestrianization of some streets in this area.
It is necessary to highlight the inclusion by the Government of Spain in the General State Budgets of an item for the construction of the Palace of Justice.
La crisis sanitaria paraliz? el proyecto estrat?gico de inter?s regional para dinamizar la parte vieja de la ciudad, nuestro casco hist?rico, que deber? retomarse durante este año.
En marzo tuvo lugar la reuni?n para impulsar su rehabilitaci?n en la que se pact? la creaci?n de una comisi?n de administraciones con los empresarios, as? como elaborar un plan para buscar financiaci?n.
Adem?s, el Ayuntamiento aplicar? la Ley de Ordenaci?n Territorial y Urban?stica de la Regi?n que permite la venta forzosa de inmuebles y solares del casco hist?rico en los que los propietarios hayan incumplido su deber de conservar, rehabilitar y edificar en un plazo de diez años desde la entrada en vigor del Plan Especial de Protecci?n y Rehabilitaci?n Integral del Conjunto Hist?rico Art?stico de Lorca (PEPRI), gracias al trabajo de la Concejal?a de Urbanismo.
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Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca