Portal de Lorca


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detail of Lorca


[Francisco Morales: "2020 has been marked by the health crisis, but we have adapted through digitization and innovation, with important new challenges for 2021" (19/01/2021)

The vice mayor of Lorca and councilor for the Economy, Tourism, Industry, Commerce, Crafts and Public Companies has praised the work of economic agents, public employees and Limusa and Aguas de Lorca, has done balance sheet for 2020 and has set out the important new challenges for 2021, such as stopping the economic and social crisis caused by COVID-19 in a coordinated manner among all public administrations and agents involved and the need for a National Support Plan to the Economic Sector.

The strategy of its councilors has been based on adapting to the health crisis through digitization and innovation in order to continue offering efficient products and services to Lorca, visitors and tourists The deputy mayor of Lorca and councilor for the Economy, Industry, Commerce, Crafts, Tourism and Public Companies, Francisco Morales, took stock this morning of the actions carried out during 2020 in his different management areas. Francisco Morales began the balance by talking about the enormous impact that the pandemic has caused in the areas of competence he manages.

"The economy and tourism have been two of the great victims in this year marked by the onslaught of Covid-19.

In this sense, the tourist data of our municipality in 2020 are interpreted, with a reduction 74%, and the enormous impact on merchants, hoteliers, SMEs and the self-employed in general as a result of the restrictions derived from the health crisis.

Similarly, public companies have seen their volume of work increase and they have taken on a special role with the cleaning and disinfection work and the preventive detection of Covid-19 in wastewater ". The deputy mayor of Lorca stressed that "the work of the entire City Council has been altered to focus on the issues arising from this health crisis that later became economic and social as well, but without neglecting the daily work of the local administration ".

It is worth highlighting the effort made in the initial phase of the crisis with the implementation of the Social and Economic Reactivation Plan with measures to help the business fabric affected by the health crisis, among which the aid to auto Donors and SMEs with an endowment of up to one million euros and all the effort made to restore normalcy as soon as possible in a sector seriously affected by this global health crisis, such as the hospitality industry,making more flexible from the City Council of Lorca the hours of the terraces, as well as their increase or their new placement. It is in the field of Tourism that perhaps the effect of the pandemic has been felt the most due to the successive restrictions on the mobility of people.

According to the data obtained, in 2020 we have dropped 74% in face-to-face care, as is normal, and in services provided, (or what is the same, despite the global tourism crisis and regional and municipal confinements, we have conserved 26% of our visitors).

It is in this area that the digitization strategy of tourism products and services has been most visible, which began before the health crisis but how useful it has been in this situation.

Global stoppage of tourism.

"We have continued to serve and offer products such as the 'The process goes inside' initiatives, 'Share a heritage full of stories' and 'Lorca On Streaming', which we added to 'Lorca y t� ¡Comp�rtela!', The new tourist image for the promotion of the municipality where the Lorca passes to be the protagonist of the diffusion of the municipality ". "In addition, we find a new opportunity to give greater prominence to rural and nature tourism, inland and on the coast, as open and safe spaces, also reinforcing our villages.

In fact, rural accommodation is what they have presented better occupancy data this year.

" Morales has specified some of the goals that have been set for 2021 from his councilors.

"In Tourism we will continue advancing in the digitization and tourism innovation and in terms of data measurement and digital tools; in the cataloging of Lorca as a Smart Tourist Destination and the creation of the managing body of the same; we will continue to reinforce our commitment to quality and to be a safe tourist destination to recover the number of visitors and tourists that has been diminished by the consequences of the pandemic and we will develop the tourist product rural area and the complementary offer that can be derived from it, active tourism activities, cultural tourism, gastronomy, increasing and diversifying the offer of activities and products segmenting them by season ". From the Department of Economy, "we have worked with the objective of facilitating the activity of businesses and catering establishments, with measures that range from the reduction of taxes and fees, the distribution of prevention materials and information between businesses, conducting courses on hygiene-sanitary prevention measures, and helping businesses to adapt, to finally distinguish trusted businesses for the reactivation of trade through ¿½s of security in the service ". Morales has highlighted "the continuous dialogue and collaboration with all the economic agents of Lorca when it comes to both informing them of the measures for companies and the self-employed in the face of the health crisis and consulting and agreeing on proposals and ideas to improve the situation.The meetings have been constant and we have collaborated with all economic agents to make them participate in the processes and to carry out activities together, such as the launch of the 'Trade of Trust' seal , the 'Hosteler�a Segura' seal, the 'Circles of Confidence' or communication campaigns such as 'I support the Hosteler�a', 'Qu� a joy to see you again', as well ¿½ like 'This Christmas Enjoy in Lorca', awareness campaigns, the card 'This Christmas the best gift is to save the hotel business', or actions to boost commercial and hospitality such as '500 reasons to buy in Lorca', the 3€ bills to consume in local businesses, 'Cabaret nights', the ornamentation and decorating of businesses and streets this Christmas, among others. A key action has been the digitization of the Department of Economy, for which the Economic Information Portal (and the new "Lorca y t�" card with its economic aspect and its link to tourism) within the Plan for the Reactivation, Dynamization and Promotion of Local Commerce, Hospitality, Tourism, Culture and Leisure, which offers a search engine for Lorca businesses, an appointment and reservation manager, in addition to new communication channels of the council through social networks and the making available of useful information related to the economic subject and a specific one on aid for businesses.Through this portal, businesses could also request prevention and safety material for the exercise of business activity in the face of the COVID-19 health crisis. "Saving lives and jobs has been the central axis of our action.

Stopping the transmission of Covid-19 had to be made compatible with the survival of businesses, and in that sense the new Tax Ordinances have been drawn up.

with benefits for freelancers and companies, grants were approved to help them within our competencies and economic possibilities, the surface available for the hotel terraces was expanded and the installation of new However, we must highlight the need for a National Plan to Support the Economic Sector, emphasizing the importance of the extension of ERTEs and compensating for the losses caused by the pandemic as well as It has been done in other countries of the European Union, "Morales said. "All this added to the development of different awareness campaigns on safe shopping, advice on hand hygiene in shops, distribution of visors and prevention material; as well as the start-up of the 'Enjoy in Lorca' campaign, to support local commerce and hospitality. The work of the Economy Council in 2021 will be aimed at strengthening our business fabric, through promotion and development programs for the commercial sector and coordination and cooperation with the different economic agents.

We also want to recover, whenever possible, the use of public spaces for commercial events, and the revitalization of the sector with the support of the City Council and the regional government thanks to the subsidy of�60.

000�euros obtained from the General Directorate of Commerce to carry out actions for the revitalization of local commerce. With regard to Craftsmanship, in February the House of the Craftsman of Lorca was inaugurated and the agreement was signed with the autonomous community and Artelor for its start-up, which was paralyzed due to the pandemic, but that we have used, within the restrictions, to, for example, carry out Empoder-Arte courses for the training of women.

Feramur was replaced by the 1st Christmas Market of Crafts as a sign of the importance of the sector in Lorca despite the impossibility of holding the usual fair. De cara al año en curso, tambi�n queremos seguir potenciando nuestra artesan�a y promocionar los productos artesanos lorquinos a trav�s de todos los canales e impulsaremos la creaci�n de rutas artesanas ligadas al turismo para dar a conocer la artesan�a local y favorecer sus ventas de productos.

As�, promoveremos la difusi�n de nuestros talleres artesanos, la Casa del Artesano, el centro regional de Artesan�a, los museos de bordados o los diferentes talleres artesanos.

Trabajamos en mejorar las competencias y cualificaciones profesionales de los trabajadores artesanos, mediante talleres y cursos formativos denominada en crear una Escuela de Artesan�a. Ser� estrategia b�sica en materia de artesan�a es seguir apostando por la Declaraci�n de Patrimonio Inmaterial de la Humanidad del Arte del Bordado Lorquino. En relaci�n a Industria, la forma de trabajar con nuestro sector industrial ha sido, igualmente, la colaboraci�n con las entidades de conservaci�n de los pol�gonos industriales, para que puedan llevar a cabo su labor diaria para la revitalizaci�n y fortalecimiento del tejido empresarial.

Y nos hemos ofrecido al Ministerio de Defensa como sede id�nea para la instalaci�n de la nueva Base log�stica de Ej�rcito de Tierra Español, una gran instalaci�n industrial y log�stica de car�cter militar que albergar�a alrededor de 2.000 personas y que supondr�a para el municipio una inversi�n de 300 millones de euros.

Desde el Ayuntamiento de Lorca queremos facilitar su instalaci�n, proporcionando tambi�n los servicios necesarios para acoger a los profesionales destinados en la futura base y a sus familias. En 2021 la concejal�a de Industria seguir� apoyando la llegada de inversiones, y trabajaremos a trav�s de la renovaci�n de los convenios con los pol�gonos Saprelorca y La Hoya y avanzar en la consecuci�n de la instalaci�n de la nueva Base Log�stica del Ej�rcito de Tierra.

Ser� determinante el trabajo para lograr la implantaci�n de un nuevo Pol�gono industrial en las Tierras Altas de Lorca. Las Empresas P�blicas tambi�n han visto muy condicionado su trabajo en 2020, dando prioridad a reforzar todos los trabajos de desinfecci�n y limpieza de espacios p�blicos, medios de transporte, edificios p�blicos, entre otros de todo el territorio municipal, as� como a la seguridad y an�lisis de las aguas.

"No cabe duda que el trabajo de Aguas de Lorca enfocado en la seguridad y de Limusa multiplicando su operativo de limpieza desinfectante y el esfuerzo de todos sus empleados ha sido determinante para frenar la propagaci�n del coronavirus". Tanto Limusa como Aguas de Lorca han reforzado sus canales de atenci�n no presenciales ofreciendo una atenci�n personalizada y segura, reduciendo al m�nimo imprescindible la atenci�n presencial para no frenar su actividad ordinaria y para evitar riesgos de contagio cuando los ciudadanos acuden a sus oficinas para realizar tr�mites.

Algunos de los hitos en Empresas P�blicas han sido: "Por parte de la empresa municipal Limusa, la adquisici�n de un nuevo autob�s para las rutas de las pedan�as; el incremento en el reciclaje de envases ligeros (30%) y de vidrio (38%) durante el confinamiento; el nombramiento de Francisco Ib�ñez como nuevo director de Limusa; el acondicionamiento de un solar en la avenida Juan Carlos I para la creaci�n de nuevas plazas de aparcamiento; la nueva aplicaci�n m�vil para hacer m�s c�modo, f�cil, seguro y barato el estacionamiento de la ORA; la puesta en marcha del contenedor marr�n para biorresiduos en Lorca; la creaci�n de un servicio de incidencias a trav�s de Whatsapp; la instalaci�n del primer ecoparque urbano para residuos en Lorca". Aguas de Lorca ha modificado su forma de trabajo para incrementar la seguridad, de hecho, "Lorca ha sido el primer municipio de la Regi�n de Murcia en poner en marcha el 'COVID19 City Sentinel', unservicio integral de alerta epidemiol�gica que monitoriza las aguas residualesen busca de fragmentos de trazas gen�ticas de COVID19, lo que permite tener un indicador de alerta temprana ante la evoluci�n de la enfermedad en los barrios de la ciudad.

Cabe destacar tambi�n el incremento en�60.000�euros del Fondo Social del Agua para 2020, con lo que la cifra total ascendi� a 210.000 euros para atender a cerca de 800 familias", seg�n Morales. "Como objetivos generales de cara a 2021, mis objetivos son seguir buscando la eficiencia empresarial bajo criterios de transparencia y profesionalidad", indica Morales. En concreto, los objetivos de Limusa pasan por seguir mejorando los datos de reciclaje en Lorca, que ya han sido buenos este año, y mejorar los servicios que ofrece la empresa, siendo clave la comunicaci�n para que los ciudadanos conozcan nuestro trabajo y haya una relaci�n m�s fluida y sencilla con la empresa; o seguir implementando el contenedor marr�n conforme estaba previsto a pesar de la Covid-19 para Limusa. Por su parte, Aguas de Lorca trabaja en un nuevo entronque para suministro casco urbano y robustecer la estabilidad de suministro; la implementaci�n de la prueba piloto de telelectura (la prueba se abordar� para unos 100 puntos de suministro a abonados sobre los que se instalar� contadores dotados de telelectura); abordar las obras del nuevo colector en Ctra.

de Caravaca y la renovaci�n de las redes en el barrio de San Antonio. function { ;(, , {});}

Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca

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