The mayor of Lorca, Diego Jos� Mateos, explained that "from the mayoralty we took a motion to the ordinary plenary session in January, this coming Monday, and in which we hope to have the support of all political groups Ethical so that Lorca can have the best results in the implementation of these municipal policies ".
The Mayor of Lorca, Diego Jos� Mateos, has reported, of "the intention, by the City Council of Lorca, to adhere to the Network of Local Entities promoted by the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces to the implementation of the sustainable development goals of the 2030 Agenda in our municipality ".
The mayor of Lorca has detailed that "we will show this intention this next Monday, through the motion that we will take from the Mayor's Office to the ordinary plenary session, and in which we hope to have the support of all municipal groups From the Lorca City Council we want to join this Network, whose activity is to promote the coordination of actions between Local Governments, and that allows us to achieve better results in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in our municipality , through the localization and development of the SDGs at the local level ".
Diego Jos� Mateos has indicated that "some 200 Spanish municipalities are already part of this Network of Local Entities, including several in the Murcia Region, such as Abar�n, Alguazas, Cieza, Fortuna, Lorquï ¿½, Murcia, Santomera and Torre Pacheco, and now we want to join ".
Mateos Molina explained that "the 2030 Agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) has become the most ambitious international agenda of humanity, since, for the first time, a strategy of these dimensions is assumed from a social, cultural, economic and environmental perspective "and has highlighted that" the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) has been included by the Government in the Plan of Action of Spain a for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, as a lever institution in promoting the Agenda, highlighting the leadership role that it has been exercising in recent years ".
"The intention now, from the FEMP, is to bring the SDGs to cities and territories, through the specific Declaration in favor of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, creating for This, the necessary tools to work to make the 2030 Agenda a reality at the local level with the commitment to implement the SDGs of the 2030 Agenda in a transversal way in municipal public policies ", has specified the Mayor Diego Jos� Mateos has pointed out that "through this network, local governments are offered guidelines, information and action proposals to deal with the crisis caused by Covid-19, keeping in mind a of the main premises of the 2030 Agenda, which is to leave no one behind ".
Mateos has added that "likewise, within our municipal work, we will establish and reinforce public policies aimed at achieving these Sustainable Development Goals and we will do so from the circular economy, the Urban Agenda, gender policies, inclusion and fight against inequality, citizen participation, transparency and open government, health and education, the ecological transition , resilience and environmental sustainability, responsible consumption, job creation, decentralized cooperation and culture, among others ".
The Network of Local Entities to develop the SDGs of the 2030 Agenda of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) is made up of Local Governments that commit to locating and implementing the SDGs of the 2030 Agenda of transversal form in municipal public policies.
Diego Jos� Mateos has specified that "in the agreements of this motion is the adhesion of the City Council to the Network of Local Entities for the development of the SDGs of the 2030 Agenda and to work on the elaboration of in the approval of an Action Plan or Local Strategy, in which a situation analysis and a plan for locating and implementing the SDGs of the 2030 Agenda are prepared ".
Finally, Mateos has insisted that "the intention of this government team to carry out municipal policies aimed at improving the quality of life of our neighbors, as well as achieving a more just society and egalitarian, from the social, educational, health, environmental and economic point of view, among others, and to do so with a clear participatory interest, for this, a process of information and awareness will be initiated to count on the participation of all local and economic agents and municipal citizen organizations, so that they are also involved in the local implementation of this 2030 Agenda ".
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Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca