The Councillor for Culture and Celebrations of the City of Lorca, Rosa Maria Medina, has awarded the prizes of "VII Contest Caligramas Miguel Montiel and Pedro Sanchez" in and who this year have involved nearly a thousand pupils in primary and secondary Lorca.
The winners of three prizes absolute as well as the collective award are:
1st Prize: Celia Gómez López.
2 º B ESO, IES Ramón Arcas Meca.
2 nd Prize: M ª Fernández Lucas Rufete.
2 ° C ESO IES Ramón Arcas Meca.
3rd Prize: Maria Sanchez Lario.
3 ° C CEIP San Fernando Elementary.
Class Award: Hall 5 ° A primary CEIP San Fernando.
8 have also been given awards for the best work from primary course from 1 ° to 2 ° of the ESO, in various centers such as Mothers Mercedarias, Alfonso X the Wise, CRA Zarcilla CEIP Ramos and Jose Robles, among others
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca