The Spokesman of the PSOE in the Regional Assembly and Secretary General of the PSOE-RM, Rafael González Tovar has valued the new internship agreement with the Ministry of Health and the Health Service of Murcia ensuring that it is a "real discriminatory coup against University campus Lorca Lorca and against students of the UMU ".
González Tovar calls "authentic nonsense" that the Ministry of Health has awarded the Rafael Méndez de Lorca Hospital exclusively to the UCAM for the realization of the practices of their students, as it believes that "public resources should be allocated primarily to the public university ", while considered" unthinkable "that the medical students of public University in Lorca and surrounding areas, are not going to be able to exercise their practices in the referral hospital health area III".
In addition, the leader of the Socialist Murcia has also come to appreciate what his opinion is "a real torpedoing of governments local and regional PP against the Campus of Lorca" because this agreement restrains clearly the aspirations of growth University in Lorca, since it prevents the implementation of new health qualifications, as long as this new decision is lorquino saturation hospital.
In this sense, González Tovar regrets that the authorities lorquino campus have been ninguneadas, because it assures "his opinion has not been taken into account by the Regional Government, to become even used as currency to benefit the UCAM".
Therefore, from the PSOE-RM announce that be already liaising with universities and health authorities in the region to force the new agreement between the University of Murcia and the Ministry of Health "is revised to defend Lorca University students Murcia and to drive, while the development and growth of lorquino campus ".
PSOE spokesman in the city of Lorca, Diego José Mateos has added the need to promote joint actions from the various administrations to resolve the unrest and indignation created between the university community of Lorca.
"Can not allow this negative blow that the Popular Party has dealt against our campus", insisting on the will of the PSOE to reverse this situation, it says "we do believe in the University of Lorca as an engine of economic and social development of Lorca , so we will not tolerate behaviors that demonstrate PP not believe or have never believed in the potential for future travel and has the campus of Lorca. "
Source: PSOE Lorca