The Councillor spokesman for the municipal-party Citizens of citizens in the city of Lorca, Antonio Meca Group, has made clear that "the account of this group has not left a single euro for party funding and campaign election ".
The mayor of the Orange party has appeared at a press conference to show the bank statements that prove full transparency and good use of municipal public funds.
The citizens national party established a system of control and supervision of local groups, consisting of two party leaders are part of the authorized account the municipal group.
Given the uncertainty that this approach can awaken, Antonio Meca has ordered intervention to interrupt, provisionally, transfers to the account of the People's Bank until it is cleared by the Court of Auditors.
The current system is based on a revenue account where the City transferred monthly 961'33 euros for expenses municipal group, and a second account, call payments, each month carry over 672 euros.
The difference, 289'33 euros, is deposited in the revenue account as a measure of forecast economic functioning of the municipal group, explained Mecca.
The mayor of C's has clarified that "demonstrated the good and proper use of public funds" and the only question that will have to clarify the Court of Auditors, is if two people outside the municipal group of Lorca can be part of the persons authorized on the account.
Source: C´s Lorca