The Consistory undertaken in a few days battery inspections on buses serving in the municipality to oversee its maintenance and conservation, and encourages citizens to submit complaints to the City Council to detect
The City Council makes clear that the economic report adopted in March
Councillor for Transport in the City of Lorca, Juan Miguel Bayonas, has reported that the city council has appointed a team a special funcionarial intervention team that has a fundamental purpose of clarifying the reversal of the concession of urban transport services in the municipality, inspecting and checking the status of buses, their technical conditions and circulation as well as demanding that marked on current legislation regarding the safety and comfort of users is met.
It has started the process for the realization of a tax and accounting external audit of everything that has to do with the current concession.
Legal and intervention services also working hard to ensure the rights of workers in the service, not to be harmed by municipal monitoring and control measures in place.
The mayor of Transport has stressed that the City Council shares the view of the residents of Lorca and his repeated complaints against the urban transport service.
Given this, it is working from the outset by this Department to design the service they deserve Lorca.
In fact since last July working intensively on the design of the new concession, which, as was already announced, extends the 3 existing lines to 11, it requires the renovation of the fleet and strict compliance with the schedule He passed.
In this sense, it is already prepared and approved the new economic and financial statement, while technical and administrative already in service contracting.
In fact last March 18 the agreement of the Full Council on the formula of contract management and its corresponding memory operation was published in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU).
The specification of the PSOE Lorca binds hands and feet
Councillor for Transport has clarified that the dismal urban transport service we face in our city we have to "thank" the PSOE, and especially the disastrous specification that approved in 2001, and that binds us hand and foot to any incident in the service.
So much so that even it prevents us from another company providing the service temporarily, Lorca condemning the current company to continue for another year.
We are doing everything we can do to correct the botched inherited in the urban transport service, making it tremendously unfair that we have to hold up Mr. Diego José Mateos criticize us for not solving the problem they created.
Bayonas Lopez stressed that urban transport is "another mortgage PSOE" because, although Mr. Mateos does not like, it comes with a big backpack.
It is curious that Mr. Mateos demands resignation when he should resign is he, since his party is the only culprit in this situation, since the concession renewed again and again over the past 30 years.
Whenever Lorca see over the next year these buses, which are very clear that the PSOE is to blame for this calamity.
Councillor of Transportation
The PSOE has presented a text only 4 pages without economic study.
Apparently the PSOE yes I knew, they wrote the statement and knew exactly what sucederñia.
They knew and were silent, condemning all Lorca to suffer this torture a year by pure political strategy.
What level of PSOE.
Mr. Diego José Mateos knew this situation and instead of acting responsibly, it stopped.
Again put the interests match those of Lorca.
Instead of calling for resignations to clarify whether they were aware of this situation and why they hid.
Surprised, now we block everything.
He knew all this and was silent, silent complicity with the concessionaire, which has failed again and again
The next day being knowledgeable of this Act, the order to which he published.
The aim is to establish a formula
We do not rule intervene to control service
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca