The general director of Quality and Environmental Assessment, Encarnacion Molina, participated this morning in the Municipal Council of Environment and Sustainability of the City of Lorca and explained that the Ministry of Water, Agriculture and Environment has found that "the objective values ​​of ozone have It has been declining in the region in the last three years. "
In addition, it has been to overcome the limits on 126 occasions during 2010-2012 to 35 in 2013-2015.
Specifically, in Lorca, in 2014 and 2015 there were 2 and 20 exceedances, respectively.
So far this year, specifically in April, they have been recorded in the measuring station zone 15 exceedances of ozone target value, which is set at 120 micrograms per cubic meter.
In this regard, Encarnacion Molina said that "one of the reasons that led to the Regional Administration to develop and approve the Plan for improving air quality in the Region of Murcia 2016-2018, which was published in the last BORM February is overcoming ozone target values ​​in parts of the region. "
Improvement Plan air quality of the region
Thus, the plan includes measures to restore and ensure compliance with air quality target values ​​for ozone, among other pollutants.
One of the measures provided for in this year is the improvement of network monitoring air quality, for it to be incorporated into the fixed stations of the nine network analysis equipment to improve and modernize these infrastructures.
The new equipment, in which 207,000 euros will be invested, are an analyzer for benzene, toluene and xylene;
ammonia analyzer;
a sequential sensor head for particles with particle size 2.5 microns;
two analyzers sulfur dioxide;
two analyzers nitrogen oxides and ozone two analyzers.
It is expected that teams are launched at the end of the year.
Also this year the Directorate General define the sensitive areas to address issues related to air quality in each area.
In addition, it will develop a management system that allows continuously verify compliance with the emission conditions established in the environmental permits companies.
Similarly, the operation of prognostic and diagnostic system of air quality in the region (SINQLAIR), with the aim of informing municipalities and organizations concerned about air quality in advance of 48 hours will improve.
In addition, 2016 will carry out a study to assess the number and location of existing stations, and to review current measurement parameters.
Together, the initiatives planned for this year will involve a total investment of 530,000 euros.
The measures contained in the plan are intended to ensure compliance with the limit values ​​and quality objectives regulatory air pollutants, improve information and awareness of citizens and improve the assessment and management of air quality.
It also seeks to improve the management of information between public administrations, develop action plans and the control and reduction of air emission levels.
This plan includes measures that help to know the origin of the episodes, investigate its causes and solve them, as well as measures to improve information to the public about them.
Municipal Environment Council of Lorca
In the Council of Environment and Sustainability of the City of Lorca also discussed energy efficiency;
Life projects in which the municipality and the Ministry involved, as 'Metabioresor' for livestock waste energy recovery, or 'Riverphy' regeneration Guadalentín river;
Leader projects implemented last year, as improved squares and public places in the districts high Lorca, signaling the Cerro de la Selva in the Sierra de Pedro Ponce, installation of panels of environmental interest in the Sierras del Gigante, Pericay and Lomas del Vulture, and the draft signaling pathway Espartaria, among other issues.
In addition, advances were made in the plan for the regeneration of the Sierra del Almirez, affected by fire last summer.
Source: CARM