This new service of the City of Lorca made 28 complaints for drug possession in the first three months of operation, which has participated in static control devices 212 people and 562 vehicles.
It has also led to the arrest of 24 people for crimes against road safety, breach of convictions, robberies, threats with serious injuries, false document, ...
The Security Councilwoman City of Lora, Belén Pérez, has reported that as of this week the Canine Unit of the Local Police Lorca begins to patrol on foot parks and green areas of the municipality, in addition to school, commercial environments and leisure in order to prevent possible retail drug sales in these environments.
This initiative will be complementary to static control devices people and vehicles has so far been conducted with a total of 212 in the first three months of operation in which intervened in 562 vehicles.
Perez explained that the participation of 'Alma', the German shepherd trained for two years with his guide to form this new municipal police unit, in police actions carried out by the local police in Lorca has contributed to that have able to lift 28 minutes of intervention of drugs (marijuana, hashish and cocaine), with corresponding 28 complaints of possession of drugs of various kinds.
In addition, this specialized unit has led to the arrest of 24 people, seven of them for crimes against road safety, three falsifying a public document, two for the commission of crimes of burglary, one for breach of sentence, other threats serious injuries, ...
Similarly, the Canine Unit lorquina Municipal Police has conducted 208 surveillances on public roads, while 27 fights and has attended fights in the street and allowed the deposit of 24 vehicles for different reasons.
Belen Perez stressed that "the good work of Alma and his guide, the policeman Rubén Valcarcel and out Leocadio Barranquero, has also been shown in exhibitions of canine units of the Region of Murcia held in Las Torres de Cotillas, Cieza and deputation of Coy, in addition to several visits to the Center for Integrated Security and Emergency of students from schools in the municipality with luggage recognition, location of prohibited substances and obedience. "
"The main objective of this new unit is to collaborate with the National Police and Civil Guard in preventing drug trafficking in the city. In fact, having a Canine Unit helps improve service efficiency security, promoting initiatives the fight against drug trafficking, especially to avoid retail events accumulation of people, but also helps firmly fight against crime, especially in preventive controls of public safety, while allowing inform the youngest of police resources that exist to prevent crimes against public health such as the sale of drugs, "the mayor stressed Security.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca