Lorca preside Sunday celebration of consecration of the parish of Christ the King of Lorca]
Just over a year after the works, this coming Sunday, May 15 began, will open the new parish church of Christ the King of Lorca.
The only parish in the neighborhood of La Viña, the most affected by the earthquakes of May 11, 2011, that days later collapsed while workers initiated the works for controlled demolition.
On February 12, 2015, the Bishop of Cartagena, Mons. José Manuel Lorca Planes, and the mayor of Lorca, Francisco Jodar, presided over the ceremony of laying the first stone of the church of Christ the King that he would rise on the site he left the old parish church.
The new church, contemporary, designed by architect Juan de Dios de la Hoz, with a single ship of triangular plant, curved roof and bell-shaped prism.
The Diocese of Cartagena has taken over the cost of the works, one million three hundred thousand euros, to which must be added the money invested in the furniture inside the parish complex, for which Lorca Planes Bishop. Has designed headquarters, the altar, the ambo and baptismal font.
The Bishop of Cartagena will preside over Sunday, at 18:00 hours, the celebration of consecration of the temple and the altar of the parish of Christ the King.
Source: Obispado de Cartagena