The Socialists highlight the beginning of the work for the withdrawal of this illegal landfill in the exercise "finally" the obligations of the landowner and regrets the sloppiness "years" of the City of Lorca and CHS to remedy this problem
Following a complaint this morning by the Socialist Municipal Group, through its spokesman, Diego José Mateos, from the PSOE celebrate the start of work for the withdrawal of this illegal landfill located for years in Barranco Hondo.
In this sense, Mateos welcomes after political pressure made from the PSOE in recent years, as well as from other political and social forces of the municipality, the land owner has transferred to proceed with the removal of this hazardous landfill, stressing "that it has been sensitized finally, to the possible risk that similar to the toledano municipality of Seseña disaster occurred. "
Finally, from the PSOE hope the team's governing Popular Party is coordinated from now with the CHS, to avoid "from now" that reoccurrence dumping of tires in this area, so that not repeat again the tremendous environmental impact has meant.
Source: PSOE Lorca