The municipal Citizens in the city of Lorca Group will take a motion that all sports facilities equip themselves with the material and human resources necessary for the prevention of cardio-vascular citizens who practice sport accidents.
Among the proposals to the plenary Antonio Meca will include:
1. Establish a protocol recognition and medical-sporting attitude to guide citizens about the most convenient sports practices and appropriate to their physical condition, age, pathologies, etc.
2. Provide an external semiautomatic defibrillator to all sports facilities and train staff in facilities approved course for its correct use.
3. Advise users of the sports facilities of convenience to present a medical report issued by the sporting attitude municipal sports medicine.
4. Request for equipment and necessary to respond effectively to cardiac arrest until the arrival of emergency services personnel municipal educational and sports centers.
The major cause of mortality in Spain is related to the cardio-vascular and cardio-respiratory accidents stops.
The sport is of paramount importance and must be done with sufficient prevention and information to citizens about the most suitable for each practice.
Having the material resources and staff training in a sports facility, you can save many lives.
Source: Ciudadanos Lorca