At 17:00 pm 150 cyclists will leave the Castle of Lorca, which will also be the goal of this penultimate and decisive stage of 67.3 kilometers, which is estimated to conclude about 18:45 hours.
Councilman Sports City of Lorca, Juan Francisco Martinez, and the president of the Cycling Federation of the Region of Murcia, José López, presented the third and penultimate stage of the V Tour Cadete the Region of Murcia, which it will be held in the municipality Lorca Saturday afternoon.
Martinez explained that "at 17:00 pm 150 cyclists of the 12 participating teams will leave the Castle of Lorca, which will also be the goal of this stage of 67.3 kilometers, which is estimated to conclude about 18:45 hours . this year it has cycling teams of Valencia, Andalusia, Castilla La Mancha and Murcia ".
The mayor stressed that "as is the classification, with several riders with very little time difference, after the celebration last weekend stages Beniaján and Mazarrón, it is expected that this step is crucial, especially in the final stretch that includes the climb to the Fortress of the Sun, one of the best stretches for Lorca and visitors can enjoy this competition. "
Juan Francisco Martinez stressed that "however, the output will be neutralized, so it can be seen by the descent of the castle, Lope Gisbert, Oval, Alameda Cervantes and South a colorful bunch cyclist Round, since the official start will be in the Carretera de La Almenara, near the shopping center ".
The council recalled that "young people between 15 and 16 participants in this category base to become a professional, can achieve leotards General, Mountain, Goals Flyers, Cadete freshman, First Murciano and Combativeness".
In this effort to bring the sport to the districts, the rutero includes step by La Campana, listening, and Escarihuela Almendricos, where the highest point of the route will be found at 473 meters.
The return to the Sun City will be in the South, Santa Clara Ronda and up to the castle.
It should also be noted that the last stage, starting and finishing on Sunday morning in Puerto Lumbreras, also it passes through the hamlet Lorca listening.
Remember that is the second year that Lorca hosts a stage of this test cadet cyclists, although last year it developed in the high districts of the municipality.
"The goal is, once again, that Lorca and those who want to join us to enjoy the good sport while we sow the urge to practice from youth," added Martinez.
Luis Miguel Giner Lorca in the Championship of Spain cycling path route
In another vein, the council has wished good luck to lorquino cyclist Luis Miguel Giner, who will participate in the Championship of Spain cycling path route which takes place from tomorrow until Sunday in Estepona, and in which 150 people participate.
Lorca cyclist Luis Miguel Giner was born in 1979 and is one of the beneficiaries of the new municipal scholarships for athletes.
He suffers a physical disability after a car accident, helping the sport to revive its activity.
He made his first sports active in swimming.
In 2008 he joined cycling path Hand-bike category H1, part of Murcia cycling team adapted.
Luis Miguel Giner for five years has been champion of Spain of this modality, being second in 2014 and third in 2015. Regional Champion, he has represented the Region of Murcia in the EHC (European Handbike Circuit) in Roseau (France) in the Segovia World Cup, part of the national team relay in Paralympic Bira, and participated in tests of relevance throughout the territory in July Nacional.A wants to run the UCI World Cup which runs in Bilbao.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca