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The PSOE is committed to promoting the Campus of Lorca with the implementation of the degree in Occupational Therapy (26/05/2016)

Socialists believe that the recently signed with Poncemar for the creation of a research center dedicated to eldercare agreement is the "perfect opportunity" to effect the implementation of the third degree

The PSOE councilor, Nines Mazuecos has released the motion with which the claim Monday in plenary urge the CARM that for the 2017/2018 course, becomes effective implementation of the degree in Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Lorca Sociosanitarias of Sciences.

The Socialist mayor explained that this motion "seek a joint impetus to the development of Campus Universitario de Lorca" and according Mazuecos "due to our support seamless from the beginning, for the implementation of university education in the city del Sol achieved in 2005".

However, Mazuecos regretted that since the regional government "has done little in recent years, because little has been believed from Murcia in the development of our campus."

In this regard, he recalls that "last year and half, after a motion by the PSOE, the municipal corporation of the previous legislature approved unanimously urge the government of the CARM be provisioned in the new budget a provision for the construction of the second lorquino phase of the campus. "

In fact, he adds, "subsequently discussed and approved unanimously by the Regional Assembly, urge the Governing Council to within Lorca + Plan, the construction of the second phase of building the University Campus of Lorca include" though regrets "finally in 2015 regional budgets lack of commitment of the regional Government was confirmed, since not a game for expansion contemplated".

However, since the PSOE again launch an offensive in his conviction that "the economic and social recovery will also come from the hand of campus development."

Therefore, following the recent signing of several entities along with the Poncemar foundation for the creation of a training center and research on the care of older people in the PSOE see the "crucial opportunity for the implementation of the new degree in our campus: Occupational Therapy. "

The PSOE insist that "occupational therapy is the degree in which all members of the campus lorquino agree, insisting that would be the perfect place and time to be implemented."

It also highlights "completed and enrich the university offer on our campus, which already are pioneers in public education with race nutrition, because it is the only campus of the University of Murcia where supply."

Nines Mazuecos considered "very timely" that the municipal corporation a joint impetus to this requirement of the PSOE, even more so in recent months "Lorca have witnessed a setback to our campus, with the assignment exclusivity practices UCAM medicine. An internship agreement between UMU and "unfair to the campus of Lorca and also demand that renegotiation through our motion, to give priority to students in the campus of Lorca" Health.


That the city of Lorca urge the Ministry of Education and Universities for the effective implementation of the degree of degree in Occupational Therapy at the Faculty of Sociosanitary of Lorca, with the provision of teachers and staff necessary for the start of the course 2017/2018 .

That the city of Lorca urge the Ministry of Education and Universities for that, according to the interests of the Faculty of Sociosanitary of Lorca, proceed to the renegotiation of the current agreement sanitary practices between the University of Murcia and Murciano Service Health.

Source: PSOE Lorca

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