From 17:30 hours students of institutes Sierra Beacon of Puri, Ramón Arcas, Perez Casas, Ros Giner and Sun City will stage for up to 30 minutes in the War Theater learned in the workshops Municipal theater this area has taught at these centers during this course.
Councilman Youth and Culture of the City of Lorca, Augustine Llamas, this morning Intercentros the Competition Theatre of Secondary Education, to be held in the War Theater next Monday, May 30, from 17:30 pm .
Llamas explained that "this year this program has had a significant increase in participation from five to seven centers participants and surpassing the 300 young people who represent seven works that have been prepared in theater workshops that municipal area has taught in these centers during this course, compared to over 200 in previous years. "
Specifically students in the Sierra de la Almenara of Puri, Ramón Arcas, Perez Casas, Ros Giner and Sun City schools will be those who will stage for a maximum of 30 minutes lessons learned that can be enjoyed for free for all who wants to fill seats.
The mayor stressed that "this is an activity already established in the school and cultural calendar of the municipality, with which it seeks to enhance the taste for theater and culture in general among young people, for many of whom the first once you go up on stage to participate in a theater. "
"The objective of the City is to promote creative and representation among students capabilities, while we provide them with a tool alternative leisure outside school hours, which in some cases can be the basis for that choose to develop their career and others simply to increase their social network, "he added the councilman.
The program will start at 17: 30h.
IES Prince of Asturias with Homo Móvilis, followed by IES Ramón Arcas Meca at 1 8: 00h.
with "the TV show" IES Ibañez Martin at 18: 30h.
with "La Consulta" and IES Ros Giner with angelic-demonic very comedy "Angels and Demons" at 1 9: 00h.
About 19: 30h.
It is expected that the group of IES Bartolomé Pérez Casas put on stage "Romeo and Juliet", which will be followed at 20: 00h.
"Macarras and Nerds, or the fable of the Ant and the Cicada" the Sun City Center and 20: 30h.
Jumble Twins IESO Sierra de Almenara (Purias).
Finally, the Youth Councillor Lorca deliver the trophies to the participants.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca