l local coordinator of IU-Greens in Lorca, Pedro Sosa, today deplored the lack of commitment of the PP mayor, Francisco Jodar, with the neighbors that star these days mobilizations in defense of their rights.
For the leader of IU, Jodar, which his activity as a regional deputy has led today to not attend the municipal plenary of May, "it is more concerned to defend his boss in Murcia, Pedro Antonio Sanchez, to address serious issues affecting its neighbors. "
Up to three groups today demanded the attention of the mayor while he was attending in Cartagena at a meeting lacomisión research Auditorium Puerto Lumbrerassobre alleged irregularities in the bidding process and construction of the auditorium of the municipality, a project that took place in the years in which Sanchez was mayor of the town.
The regional president also been said today in a report of the Central Operating Unit (UCO) of the Civil Guard, which indicates the existence of evidence of possible criminal liability when contracting with companies in the plot 'Punic'.
Sosa has criticized that the PP mayor is centered on the issues of alleged corruption involving Sanchez and his party, while concentrating on the door of the City of Lorca affected by the urgencies of San Diego, by the accumulation of purines in Tercia or water shortages in the high districts of the municipality, "groups to which the government team turns a deaf ear."
"Do not respond to letters about, or make visits agreed with others, or press in the regional administration, of the same political color, to resolve claims of a significant number of Lorca," said Sosa.
Pedro Sosa recalled that IU-Greens warned that double activity Jodar, as mayor and as a regional deputy, would be a "burden" to the interests of the municipality.
"He has wanted to hoard everything when it is clearly demonstrated that the mayor lacks sufficient capacity to carry out both tasks with solvency."
Therefore Sosa Jodar has required to choose between the two responsibilities.
"You give up its act as regional deputy or stop the mayor of Lorca, because our municipality can not continue to endure any longer this situation of neglect and carelessness by its mayor."
Source: IU-verdes Lorca