The Councillor for Culture of the City of Lorca, Augustine Llamas, has reported a number of changes to the I Concert Series Spring Theme in interpreting the Municipal Band under the direction of Antonio Manzanera.
Agustin Llamas explained that "the first change in the second concert had to develop on Thursday, June 2 and passing to be held on Wednesday, June 8th. The third hearing remains scheduled for Thursday June 16 date. on the other hand, it also changes the venue of two concerts, the Municipal School of Music goes to Spain Square at 21:00 pm with this last change is intended that during these two evenings this landmark is full. the best spring music. "
The Councillor for Culture recalled that "the second concert scheduled for June 8 will consist of a repertoire of jazz, where attendees can enjoy songs like the Pink Panther, Fit, Jazyy, Little Brown or Moonlight Serenade, classic best jazz themes. as for the recital of June 16 will be heard compositions of the move from the 60, 70 and 80 of the most renowned artists of the time such as the group ABBA, Frank Sinatra, Elvis or Simon and Garfunkel, among others. "
Llamas has invited all citizens to attend these two days at the Plaza of Spain to enjoy this concert series consisting of animated and recognized songs in an environment and an unrivaled location.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca