This weekend we will have the opportunity to hear and enjoy Malvariche live twice, on Saturday June 4 in Fuente Alamo on a Folk evening that organized the town hall in the XII fair that will be done in the esplanade of the weekly market.
And on Sunday we will go to celebrate the Environment Day to the pretty hamlet of Zarzadilla of Totana, in the Highlands of Lorca, where Espartaria Federation, held a day full of activities, and will be at 16:00 h.
when Malvariche takes the stage.
Rafa Medina: vocals, acoustic guitar, murciano guitarro, timple, violin.
Juan Romero: Under eléctrico.Alfonso Marin: Trumpet, flute, congas, djembe and cacharros.Diego Canovas: Drums, tambourine and coros.Germán Medina: Bandurria and Laúd.Juan Pedro Garcia: electric guitars and synthesized.
Source: Agencias