The 'Replay' project, aimed at the full broadcast of municipalities Internet, has a new member.
Lorca City Council signed this morning accession, which will allow, from now on, any lorquino can see live what is discussed in plenary sessions.
In addition, you can review any full, as they will be stored and available on the website of the consistory.
The 'Replay' initiative, led by the Ministry of Economic Development, Tourism and Employment Development, has since last February at the disposal of the municipalities in the region necessary for them to retransmit their full live, plus access infrastructure multimedia resource center to review the full after issuance.
The initiative is made possible by 'CTNet' ultrafast network of R + D + i in the Community and managed by the Integra Foundation, which enables data transmission at high speed and interconnects more than 100 locations.
Thus, it gives municipalities an advanced editing software that can make it easier to specific queries about a particular topic or intervention of a particular councilor.
If a citizen wants to see the time when a motion is approved, you can access directly.
The CEO of Simplification of Business Activity and the Digital Economy, Francisco in April, said: "The Replay project is a step in the transparency of government. Citizens can know in real time what is discussed in the plenary sessions of its municipalities, what motions are approved and rejected, and not only that, but will review previous full of quick and easy way. "
This service is free for municipalities, who just have to have a fixed camera and computer.
It has also enabled an email ( for consistories to make inquiries.
Have already joined this initiative the municipalities of Murcia, Beniel, Bullas and Lorca, and have requested and are pending signature ten: Molina de Segura, Blanca, Campos del Río, Fortuna, Totana, Albudeite, Fuente Alamo, Santomera , Caravaca de la Cruz and Puerto Lumbreras.
In this sense, Francisco Abril encouraged other municipalities to adhere to this project.
Source: CARM