The Central Round aims to create an alternative route to the current road axis that connects the avenues of Juan Carlos I and Europe
The Ministry of Public Works and Infrastructure, through the Directorate General of Highways, has tendered, with its publication today in the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia (BORM), construction of the second tranche of the Central round Lorca, which will involve an investment of 5,625,491 euros by the Community through a loan with the European investment Bank.
The deadline for implementation of the infrastructure is 12 months.
The new route will have a length of 422 meters and will consist of the construction of a road dual carriageway with two lanes in each direction, which will continue the first leg of this round, and will run from the roundabout in front of the sports complex Felipe VI in the neighborhood of San Diego, to Santa Clara avenue, and go over the river Guadalentín.
Infrastructure stands out for the construction of a new bridge between both sides of the Guadalentín, with the aim of improving the connection between the district of San Diego with the Rambla de Tiata, and a new roundabout at the intersection of Camino de Cartagena and badén passing the river, which will increase road safety.
In addition, the route will have a median of 1.5 meters wide, two outdoor sidewalks 1.5 meters each and two bicycle lanes, one in each direction of 1.5 meters.
the replacement of the affected services, gardening, trees and lighting the entire stretch of action is also expected.
The purpose of the project is to create Central Ronda an alternative route to the current road axis connecting avenues Juan Carlos I and Europe, which accumulates a high level of traffic.
In addition, it is a road infrastructure that will improve the connection of the neighborhoods of Apollonia and San Diego.
The stretch tendered is the second of four having the round, which, along 4.4 kilometers, will link the south of the city, from the N-340a to link the west with the motorway RM -eleven.
The project is implemented between the Ministry and the city of Lorca.
Source: CARM