Among the novelties of this year is the visit "CaballerosyPrincesas" for the little ones, the SecciónMúsica & Tapascon "IDEM, TributoaManoloGarcíayEUDLF" to enjoy a good night of music at the Fortaleza del Sol, the treatralizada visit "ElGuardiándelaLuna" the visitanocturnateatralizada "ElaprendizdeCervantes "PerseidasyPoesíaenlaFortalezadelSol night of this year will feature a family pass and one for the general public and cenaespecialdefindeverano:" LosamoresdeDonRodrigo "
The Councillor of Tourism of the City of Lorca, Francisco Montiel, presented the program with which the municipal area will strengthen the offer of cultural tourism for the summer, among which include this year several activities for the whole family and events held other years that have been very well received by tourists and Lorca.
Francisco Montiel explained that "the main innovations are the SecciónMúsica & Tapascon" IDEM, TributoaManoloGarcíayEUDLF ", which disfrutardeunanochemusicalveraniegaenlaterrazadelasCaballerizasdelCastillocontapas may, ritmoymúsicaparaelrecuerdodeunode the most unique bands in the history of Spanish music. This activity the viernes1dejulio be held, with a single pass alas21: 30h. the price, which includes cold dinner and entrance to the castle, is 18 € in advance and 20 € at the box office sale ".
The Councillor of Tourism stressed that "this year we want from Lorca Taller del Tiempo and from the Department of Tourism is to promote family tourism and for this we have prepared several special visits to this audience that increasingly visiting our city in the summer months. the first activity within these new features is "CaballerosyPrincesas", days of summer ready for the family audience at which meet the Castillode Lorca and fun at the same time. the younger members of the family will become enunCaballeroounaPrincesadeunaFortalezamedievaldonde yactividadesmientras realizaránjuegos vanrecorriendolastorres and aljibesdelCastillo. They take place every day in July and August at 12:30 pm. the price is 8 € for adults, 7 € to children for 12years and menoresde5añosgratis.
Montiel said that "within this package offers another novelty this year is the dramatized tour" ElGuardiándelaLuna ", where during nights veranotanto visitors and citizens who wish may disfrutardelfresconocturnoyde lasimpresionantesvistasdelaciudad. The visit is based a legend which says that there is someone in the Castle of Lorca in vigilalalunaparaquenosufradañoalguno.En summer evenings with family or friends, Lorca or may accompany tourists "Keeper of the Moon" mientrasrecorrenelcastilloydejanquelescuentesuhistoriallenademagiaydiversión. This visit will be the sábadosdejulioydel23al31agosto a paseúnicoalas21: 00h ".
The mayor of Tourism explained that "another novelty is the visitanocturnateatralizada" most anticipated and more acceptance among the public visiting Lorca in summer and consistent this year with the fourth centenary of the death of the Spanish writer ElaprendizdeCervantes "unodelosproductos. The same is a legend that DonMigueldeCervantesSaavedrapasóporestatierraenvarias ocasionesalolargodesuatribuladavidayquetuvounaestrecharelacióncon Lorca and its people, loquetalvezlesirvieradeinspiraciónparaalgunasdesusobras will be held from Tuesday to Saturday from August 5 to 20 in two passes of 21. 30hy22: 30h ".
Francisco Montiel said that "the night of the PerseidasyPoesíaenlaFortalezadelSoltiene this year as a novelty performing two different countries, one specially designed for públicofamiliaryotroparalosquequieranadentrarseenlamadrugada. The pasefamiliar" ElPlanetaCansado "is centered on a visit for families in which mediantehistoriasycuentosdetemáticaastralconoceránelcielodeverano. The pasegeneral estáorientadohaciaunpúblicoquequieredisfrutardelanochebajo lasestrellas. It will take place on August 11.
The Councillor of Tourism stressed that "finally, the last novelty this year offer Lorca Taller del Tiempo is the cenaespecialdefindeverano:" LosamoresdeDonRodrigo "where all visitors can descubrirlasintrigasy amours de Don Rodrigo while laying the summer dining in the espectacularpatiodearmasdelCastilloalamparodelaTorreAlfonsina, in a romántico.Se magical atmosphere and perform the 26agosto and will have two hours: at 21: 30hadultos and 21: 00hniños the price is 30 € adults Y15 € children. ".
Montiel has reported that "traslabuenaacogidadelañopasadosevolverán to perform some of the activities such as:. IloveFortaleza (iLoF016), eventomusicalnocturno, the ivedition the JewishLorca, FestivaldeCulturaContemporáneaJudía; ElatardecerdelaHistoria, the DíaEuropeodelaCulturaJudía and elMiradordelasCaballerizas On the other hand, the Department of Tourism will offer guided or dramatized free visits the city every Saturday in July and August afternoon. "
Promotion during summer
Parallel to this extensive program will be carried out activities to promote our image "Lorca embroider" through attendance at regional events such as the Week of the Garden and the Sea of ​​Los Alcazares, boardwalks off the coast of Murcia and Almeria during the month of August, advertising in access to La Manga, Los Alcazares, San Javier, Mazarrón, Eagles and Torrevieja and 125 posters billboards to be distributed in shops, hotels, catering establishments, tourist offices the region and its environment.
Also 10,000 brochures will be distributed, inserting radio spots, sending 4,000 newsletters, spreading through social networks and marketing them through regular clients and websites.
Notably, more than 16,000 people visited the facilities managed by the Consortium during the months of July and August 2015 participating in the activities organized during the day and night, but were lasactividadesnocturnaslasquetuvieronmayorprotagonismo.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca