The deputy spokesman of United Left-Greens in the city of Lorca, Pedro Sosa, today demanded the PP mayor, Francisco Jodar, to urgently meet with the residents of San Pedro and Santa María affected by the expropriations Round Evacuation Barrios Altos, given the social alarm generated by the lack of information and solutions by the Consistory.
Sosa has transmitted the concern of several families affected have been found with notifications previously expropriation without the City Council if notified of their situation nor been informed of rehousing options.
Councilman United Left-Greens has explained that this is a problem of "very important" social order, which affects citizens with purchasing power under whom the team PP government can not "send" with a " you search made life ", according to Sosa, it is what is happening right now.
Another serious problems that affected face is the low valuation that the City has made these homes.
Pedro Sosa explained that some of the expropriated residents will receive between 8,000 and 40,000 euros for their houses and transmitted the "desperation" of many families who can not afford a new building with these poor compensation.
Therefore, Jodar has asked that the policy to be applied in the process of expropriations is the "housing for housing" through the "maximum consensus" with the affected families.
Since its formation, they are offered as mediators with the PP government team and are willing to perform work advice concerning allegations that neighbors can raise within one month from the receipt of the notice of expropriation.
The mayor of United Left-Greens also demanded Jodar precise information on the financing of the construction project of the round and their deadlines, "let's not meet surprise that after expropriating the affected finally not will be built the new road, "said Sosa.
For Councilman IU-Greens, all this would not be occurring if the PP councilors had changed shoes walk through the work and "pateasen" the streets of senior to know, first hand neighborhoods concerns neighbors.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca