Applications can be managed via the web |
Councilman Youth council of Lorca, Augustine Llamas, along with Tea Stanic, representative of Cazalla Intercultural, presented the "Happy" project through which 7 young Lorca may participate in volunteer projects in Thailand, Peru and Kenya, which they will develop between October 2016 and March 2017.
Llamas said that "" HAPPY "is a project funded by the Erasmus + Programme of the European Commission and managed by Cazalla Intercultural through the Office of International Mobility of the City of Lorca which includes 18 mobilities of volunteers from 6 months to countries outside Europe. 18 young volunteers from Spain, France and Italy will develop their volunteer projects in Kenya, Peru and Thailand from October 1, 2016 to March 31 2017.
This project, in addition to international mobility, offering young unemployed people the opportunity to engage more actively with local partner organizations in the project and create activities to acquire tranversales skills that will help them find a job more easily.
workshops entrepreneurship, leadership, communication skills, teamwork, etc., to be carried out by members of organizations, previously trained in the international training course to be held in Lorca for a week in September 2016 will be made.
For young people in the Region of Murcia are seven places available for the following 3 projects:
Thailand EVS volunteers collaborate on projects focusing on organic farming and education.
The main activity will take place in the Villa de la Paz, where the VSA host organization coordinates several activities: Creative Teaching English, where volunteers creatively promote intercultural communication and learning;
Construction of Community Center for international and local (and learn about the Thai construction) volunteers;
work in organic gardens;
organizing events to promote peace and sustainable development;
participate in work camps during the weekend that the VSA organization is carrying out in different parts of the region.
Peru EVS volunteers collaborate on a project to reduce the number of children working on the street in Huanuco: awareness of families, activities for children when their parents work: play and do homework.
They can also propose various activities for them, English classes, crafts, etc.
All children under 16 years.
SVE in Kenya: volunteers collaborate with 6 high schools and 3 primary schools, career-oriented support young unemployed people looking for work.
volunteers will participate in club activities "Children's Rights" of human rights education for children in the community awareness on AIDS, environmental education in schools, tree planting, garbage collection, clean neighborhoods marginal, protection of water sources, etc.
Applicants must be resident in Spain between 18 and 30 years with a highly motivated and ready to face a big change in their lives.
Volunteers will participate in their projects with volunteers from France and Italy.
The deadline to apply for a place is June 20.
For more information and get the project application, you can access the page
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca