This initiative has included conducting training courses for staff promotion and improvement of skills, how to get a job, how to be a good candidate for employment and effective communication skills, social skills in employment and assertiveness training and production and cultivation of mushrooms.
The Mayor of Lorca, Francisco Jodar, along with the Councillor for Social Services in the City of Lorca, Fátima Mínguez, the Director General of Social Inclusion of the CARM, Miguel Angel Miralles, and the President of the Association of Children and Parents Against drugs (NYPACOLD), Manuel Lopez, participated this morning at the close of program support social and professional integration of users NYPACOLD (APINSUN).
This is a project carried out by that lorquina association with the collaboration of the Murciano Institute of Social Action and funded by the European Social Fund.
This initiative was developed in the period between June 2015 and today.
It should be noted that the scope of this entity is regional, although for reasons of geographical proximity, users come mainly from the municipalities in the Valle del Guadalentín, as is the case of Lorca, Totana and Eagles.
This program, which is part of the actions of labor insertion and reissued annually since 2007, is intended to improve the employability of drug addicts, unemployed and / or at risk of social exclusion.
In this edition 2015/16 has served a total of 63 people, achieving 25 additions to the labor market.
It is recalled that since 2007 one of every three users have gained access to employment.
Throughout the course working on occupationally guide the beneficiary, designing individual itineraries, group counseling sessions, and support sessions on job search.
Similarly, it delves into the comprehensive social support, social work tasks contemplating management of grants and scholarships and conducting interviews social care advice.
The Apinsun program included conducting 13 training courses for staff promotion and improvement of skills, how to get a job, how to be a good candidate for effective employment and communication skills, social skills in employment and assertiveness training, and production and cultivation of mushrooms.
Once a week NYPACOLD professionals have been moving to each of these areas to promote and enhance the implementation of the program in the territory and meet as many people as possible.
This morning he proceeded to the delivery of diplomas to the participants, an act that has developed in the CLD.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca