Councilman Antonio Mecca Citizens requested in the next full use of the municipal water disposing of municipal public pools.
He also asked the City Council to give maximum publicity to the right of SMEs and autonomous Lorca to repay its debts with the local administration.
3,972 m3 is the total installed capacity Lorca public pools.
Each day is renewed 2.5% water as required by the regulations for the proper maintenance and safety of the vessels.
The facilities open all year as Felipe VI and San Antonio, a total of 16,833 discarded, 8 m3 or 16,833,800 liters per year.
According to the mayor of C's you is the same Directive EU Water Framework 2000/60 / EC which requires increasing the availability of that resource, protecting its quality, save your job, rationalize its uses in harmony with the environment , ¨
The Municipal C's will ask the City Council to carry out all necessary to operate water use municipal swimming pools in order to give a second use this resource, using it for watering plants and trees, health of toilets, washing down streets, cleaning, etc.
In another motion C's ask the votes to the other groups to support debt compensation SMEs and independent with the City.
The commercial fabric consists of self-employed and small and medium enterprises of our town is one of the engines of the local economy, generating jobs and driving force of our economic life.
Antonio Meca believes that the City should facilitate its widespread use as a way to help contractors and suppliers of the City Council to fulfill their tax obligations in a timely manner, avoiding surcharges and fees, and no need to seek financial resources for the payment of such obligations . ¨ adding that compensation debt is fully supported in our tax legislation.
Source: Ciudadanos Lorca