The Director General of Agricultural Funds, Carmen Garcia Frago, said yesterday at the meeting of COAG, held in Lorca, the commitment of the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Environment with organic farming, as this year has doubled the funds, from 27 to 54 million euros.
In this regard, he noted that "Murcia is the community with the highest percentage of agricultural area devoted to organic farming, 26 percent, particularly as almond crop, since one of every four almonds produced in Murcia are green".
He also stressed that the region is the community that more funds allocated to agri-environment measures under the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 (RDP).
It is agricultural, livestock aids (for the first time Murcia), organic farming and promotion of areas with natural constraints, with 107.091 million euros, 31 percent of the total program budget, above the national average which is 16 percent.
It also expressed the commitment to make the final concessions of these payments before August, both applicants measures agri-environment and climate, such as organic farming, and to process the payment of aid to areas with natural limitations, such as the districts high Lorca.
Garcia Frago moved to those attending the meeting "the strong commitment of the regional government to continue working with irrigators in the search for a definitive solution that will allow our farmers to plan calmly their crops, which necessarily involves the signing of National Water Pact ".
CAP support
The director general said that in the town of Lorca are 1,904 applicants for CAP aid, of which 308 are farmers.
The declared area represents 20 percent of the regional total and the amount of aid amounts to just over 14 million euros.
Source: CARM