The Brotherhood of Labradors, Paso Blue, this week celebrates the feast of the Glorious Dolores and XIX Anniversary of the Canonical Coronation of Our Lady of Sorrows.
On Wednesday 14 the feast of the Holy Cross will be celebrated, so at 20.30 the church of San Francisco will host the paraliturgy of Feast of the Cross.
On Thursday, the feast of the Glorious Dolores, the Angelus will be recited at 12 am in San Francisco.
In the afternoon, specifically at 19.30 and also in San Francisco, the book "Blue Notes", by Pascual Pérez Serrahima, lawyer, blue butler and student of Holy Week will be presented.
The book consists of 750 pages in which the author makes a historical and artistic study of the different groups that make up the blue procession, among other points of interest, and collecting the dense knowledge of this blue history that has been part of various boards and has been a patron of the Paso Azul Foundation.
Serrahima Pérez has worked in the making of this great work over the past 3 years, using documents collected for decades and making a dense research work both in the file Paso Blue as in the Municipal Archives.
The presentation attended by the President of the Brotherhood, José María Miñarro, the President of the Association of Our Lady of Sorrows, Joaquina Gil, writer Pepe Pérez-Muelas and the author himself.
From Thursday it will be available in the MASS;
the profit from the sale of "Blue Notes" will be used to conduct further embroidered by the Association of Our Lady of Sorrows.
At 20 hours will pray the Rosary, to finish programming with the Solemn Eucharist, scheduled for 2030 hours and in which the Association Coral Amadeus intervene.
From the Blue Step by stewards and blue are encouraged to participate in the various events organized to commemorate some special days for the Brotherhood.
Source: Paso Azul Lorca