Sosa will present a motion at the next plenary session will require in connection with South Ronda is resolved Quijero the road that administrative irregularities surrounding the award are clarified and that the surrounding area is preserved her garden
Pedro Sosa Martinez, Councilman IU-V in the municipality of Lorca has presented to the media this morning that will take the full motion of September and irregularities concerning actions around the first section of the South Ronda.
One of the points of the motion, is the requirement for the administration to solvent narrow presenting the round in connection with the road Quijero in the hamlet of Campillo and prevents the simultaneous passage of large vehicles, one hamlet with farms and agricultural needs proper communication.
Sosa has shown its support to the locals already disagreed with this problem and the mayor of Works, the Ms. Ibarra, dismissed saying they were "Four enlightened", demanding in turn a public apology to them.
In another of the agreements, with the bag of soil existing orchard between the South and the Sanctuary of the Virgen de las Huertas Round and urbanistic press that fall on it, the municipal group of Izquierda Unida request proper land use to protect this area of ​​great value speculation, preserving it from projects already are planning on it, like a gas station, a school area and a shopping center, and another in which it can be linked a company of the family of Ms. . Ibarra.
Finally, at the news recently known that the Central Administrative Tribunal of Contractual Appeals under the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration has adopted a resolution on possible irregularities in the award of the works cited by the tender dossier is suspended, Sosa it has announced that it will request the relevant technical services report on the impact the decision of the Administrative Court will have on the progress of the work of the South Ronda and elaborate on the irregularities in the award of the work and the possible responsibilities They are resulting therefrom.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca