Employment Councilwoman City of Lorca, Eulalia Ibarra has reported that "unemployment has fallen again in Lorca despite the regional and national rise".
Specifically, the last day of September there were 22 unemployed Lorca less than at the end of August and 485 people less than a year ago.
Ibarra explained that "although it is being felt in the labor market need for a stable national government, Lorca continues to create net employment, which have benefited in the last month both agriculture and industry and construction, and in the last twelve months all sectors ".
The mayor stressed that "although we have better data than the rest of the country and the Autonomous Community, and although in the last three and a half years unemployment has fallen by 2,115 people, representing more than 26.12% from the administrations we will continue working to continue launching new programs and investments in our municipality, to help improve employability, promote self-employment and job creation by the private initiative ".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca