The First Secretary of Socialist Alternative Lorca, Daniel Martinez Fajardo, said that this package of measures complements the new animal protection law
The First Secretary of Socialist Alternative Lorca, Daniel Martinez Fajardo, reported that "after meeting with the heads of several protective of local animals to plantearles the need to implement the" Plan of animal protection "that we explained before the election, we will present written in the register of the City Council to bring the government team that plan. "
Martinez recalled that "the" Plan of animal protection "was created in addition to the proposals made by our training some of which made the Federation of Associations and Animal Shelters Region of Murcia FDARMUR integrated. This battery of measures complements the new animal protection law that is more focused on sanctions ".
The policymaker has detailed that "first, we need protective of Lorca who wish they could qualify for a physical place to collect and care for stray animals. This is essential to the sale of municipal land that is suitable with materials provided by the City Council and the collaboration of workers in employment workshops, providing that the necessary for the shelter of the abandoned who are in Lorca animal facilities also shelters should have special measures designed to facilitate. maintenance".
"It should review the granting of collecting actual animals and, if irregularities are detected, delete this to use that budget item in providing funding to the protective current sitas in Lorca, with the idea of ​​professionalizing this volunteer," he pointed out.
Daniel Martinez has proposed "creating a program of spaying and neutering. For this a fixed price will be negotiated with veterinary clinics Lorca willing to join the Plan. This price would be subsidized with an amount to be determined. The perception of this will help to create a register of animals in the city. at the end of each calendar year, if not exhausted aid will be distributed among the protectors of the municipality. "
"We also believe interesting the creation of colonies controlled cats. Areas where they can keep those animals that can not be captured by their lack of socialization, applying the TNR method (Trap-Neuter-Release) would be established. They also vaccinated control disease. in these places the animals will have shelter and necessary to satisfy their physiological needs. the TNR technique stabilize the size of the colony. it will also reduce the behavior associated with stray cats, such as yowling, scandals fights and coupling and the smell of males of childbearing age who mark their basting territory. also the tendency to wander be reduced. However, continue to provide natural rodent control, a particularly valuable benefit in urban areas. creating an be provided association of volunteers helps maintain these colonies, "he added.
Martinez Fajardo has completed underlining "the appropriateness of agreeing a timetable for conducting lectures awareness about animal abandonment in schools and colleges. This will be invited personnel protective who wish to tell their experiences to students and veterinarians and specialists. Also, it should launch a municipal website pick the list of resident animals in protective to enhance their adoption in the best conditions, ensuring animal welfare ".
Source: Alternativa Socialista de Lorca