Navarro says that the uncontrolled dumping of this type of waste becomes a dangerous contaminant, because 1 liter of oil is capable of contaminating up to 1,000 liters of water.
The councilor of the PSOE in the City of Lorca, Antonio Navarro has asked the council to install containers for the collection and recycling of used household oils, both in the city and in districts.
This is a service with which the municipality of Lorca does not currently have a fixed, as only this type of waste is collected through a single mobile point, which eventually moves along the length and breadth of the municipality .
Navarro regrets that a municipality like that of Lorca, with more than 90,000 inhabitants does not have such clean points in which to be able to evacuate this waste and encourage its recycling.
The socialist councilor added that cities around us, as is the case of Alhama de Murcia, do put at the disposal of its inhabitants these containers.
The councilor of the PSOE warns that the uncontrolled dumping of this type of waste becomes a dangerous contaminant, because only one liter of oil can contaminate up to 1,000 liters of water.
Instead, adds Navarro "with its recycling, this polluting waste can be converted into biodiesel, in addition to a very economic cost."
For all this, from the Municipal Socialist Group have submitted this application before the registration of the City of Lorca.
Firstly, Navarro requests that the City of Lorca, through the company Limusa, consider the progressive installation of this type of specialized containers, to advance towards the promotion of the collection of this waste both in the city and in Pedanias
At the same time, they also call for an information and awareness-raising campaign among the public to publicize the benefits of this type of recycling.
In addition, it insists on the recommended use of this recycling, as a form of biodiesel.
In fact, they propose to study the feasibility of this oil "converted into fuel" for self consumption in those municipal facilities where it is "convenient and possible" to use.
Source: PSOE Lorca