As you know, next Friday, the 23rd will be held the extraordinary plenary about the budgets of 2017.
This Municipal Group will vote against these budgets for considering them a "copy and paste" of those of 2016.
The councilman explains the position of his party: "The government team refuses to accept all proposals for improvement in the economic management of the City and public companies, which involve a total expenditure of more than 100 million euros.
Citizens consider that we can save around 10 million euros annually with normal control mechanisms in any private company or in the domestic economy itself.
This amount is derived from the following items:
· Current expenditure of the City Council, about 17 million euros in supplies, services and minor works could be reduced by 20% only with a collegiate body that is in charge of its control, that is to say, that it is not done by hand.
· Aguas de Lorca, an alleged unfair administration that has as consequence an extra costs of about 5 million euros a year.
· Limusa, a board of directors that does not exercise its functions, it is the manager of the company that makes all the decisions of contracting, purchase of material, vehicles, works, etc.
Greater control of the company could generate a better economic management and, therefore, a saving in the expenses.
"From this Municipal Group we have made many proposals to improve the income: fight against the submerged economy, recovery of the historical center as economic engine of commerce, subsidies department, etc.
For the better management of the expenses we have presented solutions: to eliminate and renegotiate rents, to request three budgets, to regulate the minor contracts, to recover the control of the public companies, etc. ", explanation of improvements income and expenses of the Citizen spokesman.
None of these proposals has been accepted until now and therefore they will not accept that the economic solution of the consistory will continue to be the increase of taxes, especially the IBI, an unjust tax that continues without solution and that forces the taxpayers to go to the Justice.
Source: Ciudadanos Lorca