Adoración Peñas, Member of the United Left Greens in the city of Lorca, gave this morning a press conference to assess the budgets, both regional and municipal, for Social Services.
According to Peñas, especially considering the vulnerable situation of our Region, which has alarming data on social exclusion and child poverty, even more so than in countries like Romania, with Murcia as the second capital of the poorest province of Spain and Lorca Third region with more than 50,000 poorest inhabitants, it is inconceivable that in such an unfavorable context, our Region is least likely to resort to social programs such as basic income, dependency or support programs for families and although, General for Pensions and Program Valuation has experienced an increase in its budgets, are for items destined to current expenditure and in no case to increase the programs or the aids that during the last years have been drastically reduced.
At the municipal level, Peñas has pointed out that smaller municipalities like Lorca like Alcantarilla or Torre Pacheco, have the same and even more subsidies than our city, such as the program of psychoeducational intervention and support to families with difficulties in Relations between its members in Sewer, or the socio-health mediation for immigrants in Torre Pacheco.
For the mayor, although it is true that the municipal budgets allocated to social services have experienced a slight increase compared to the previous year, from 1,195,000 euros from 2016 to 1,477,000 from 2017, it is still less than 1,539,000 euros Euros of 2015, when, however, the situations of poverty and need increase day by day.
For Peñas, these amounts are ridiculous and ridiculous, if for example we compare the item of € 1,080,000 for services and basic services of Social Services of the municipal budget for the whole of the citizens, with the almost four million euros that Asprodes receives Of the regional budget for the care of a smaller set of beneficiaries.
Finally, Peñas has also lamented that the amount allocated to the programs of assistance to the dependency has been stagnant for three years, since 2002 have not taken places of social workers for social work units in Primary Care Social Services, only contracting That the programs or services in primary care have not been increased and that benefits have been reduced over the years, despite the fact that the poverty rate continues to rise sharply.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca