The municipality presents its candidacy to the Jewish Network and exposes the tourist attractions of the municipality to the Director General of Tourism of the CARM, the Councilor of Tourism, Secretary of State for Tourism and the President of the Institute for Tourism Quality.
The Councilor for Tourism in the City of Lorca, Francisco Montiel, heads the delegation Lorca that remains in the Tourism Fair of Madrid, Fitur, promoting the main attractions that the municipality has in tourism.
In fact the mission lorquina is redoubled efforts taking advantage of the last hours in which the Fair is reserved to the access of workers of the professional group.
Lorca, in this sense, has submitted his candidacy to be part of the Jewish Network with the presence of representatives of other municipalities that are already integrated in it, including the current president of the Judería Network and mayor of Cordoba, María Isabel Ambrosio.
Francisco Montiel, along with the director general of the Institute of Tourism of the Region of Murcia, Manuel Fernández Delgado, and Tourism Counselor, Juan Hernández, have presented the Route "Lorca Santiago Running Non Stop, which is scheduled to be a Lorca with Santiago de Compostela (1,129 kilometers) in approximately 5 days of permanent race with relays.
The Edil de Turismo also had the opportunity to expose the tourist potential of the municipality to the Secretary of State for Tourism, Matilde Pastora, as well as the President of the Institute for Spanish Tourism Quality, Miguel Mirones.
It should be noted that Lorca develops in this meeting an intense work to promote the tourist attractions of the City of the Sun, especially the candidacy of the city to form part of the Network of Jewish Quarters "Caminos de Sheparad" and the next celebration of the Easter.
The municipality is disseminating the new professional brochure with fully updated information of the municipality and with the tourist image based on the slogan "Lorca, we embroider it", as well as the promotional poster of the Holy Week of 2017 with the aim of publicizing our Great celebration and stimulate the purchase of chairs from this fair that constitutes the biggest showcase of the world for the sector of the tourist trips ".
Inside the promotional material is also a compilation DVD of different audiovisuals that show the spectacularity of this original cultural and religious manifestation declared of International Tourist Interest, but also reports of the rest of products and tourist attractions of the city of Lorca.
In addition to the graphic and audiovisual information, it also publishes in Madrid part of the lorquina gastronomy, specifically the typical lorquino crespillos, as well as the recently awarded lorquino cheeses of El Roano.
In parallel to the celebration of FITUR, a promotional campaign is developed that has as protagonist the Holy Week.
Thus, an advertising totem has been installed in the IFEMA central corridor in which the flow of visitors is distributed.
Also an ambitious audiovisual campaign is carried out in the Madrid subway;
Specifically in three of the main subway interchanges in the capital, Avenida de América, Príncipe Pío and Plaza de Castilla, Holy Week spots will be broadcast between Sunday 15 January and Saturday 21, appearing 340 times during each of The 7 days of the campaign, so the spot of our big party will be broadcast almost 2,400 times.
In the same way, tourist material will be distributed and the consultations will be attended, as well as meeting the agenda of meetings among which the ones destined to the integration in the Network of Judería and those that will be developed with municipalities within the Network of Destinations EDEN , A project that promotes sustainable tourism development models in the European Union, of which Lorca has been a member since 2011.
Cheeses, themed monologues and crespillos for the weekend.
The weekend will be destined to the final public, so the pavilion will be transformed and we will reveal the tourist and cultural potential of Lorca to the thousands of attendees that will walk the stands of FITUR.
During Saturday and Sunday Lorca will conquer the visitors by interpreting a themed monologue in which the protagonists are the main tourist resources of the city: the Castle, Plaza de España, Palacio de Guevara and Holy Week of Lorca.
There will be 6 performances of 15 minutes interpreted by a character according to the theme of the monologue and will give rise to the projection of some audiovisuals on the Monumental Lorca, the Fortress of the Sun and Holy Week.
During the weekend there will also be tastings of the cheeses of El Roano.
In the same way, during the day of Saturday the Association Lorca-Santiago will be present in Madrid to promote an initiative to promote the Route of Argar.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca