Portal de Lorca


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detail of Lorca


Government and opposition agree to study the inclusion of clauses against energy poverty when hiring electric companies, proposed by the PSOE (30/01/2017)

The Plenary has shown its unanimous will to work on the drafting of an agreement to be signed by the contracting companies of the city's electricity services, which will include the premise that they will not be able to cut the electricity supply to any Lorca family without ensuring, Via Social Services the situation of social exclusion of the same.

The Vice-speaker of the PSOE in the city of Lorca, Marisol Sánchez celebrated the first step achieved today after the debate in the municipal plenary session of the motion led by the Socialist Group to reinforce the "improved" effort of the session to combat energy poverty.

In this way, the government and opposition have agreed to urge the Legal Services of the City of Lorca to immediately produce a report where this department will decide on the possibility of including social clauses for the tender of the next contract for the supply of electric power.

Sánchez Jódar has celebrated that finally the government team of the Popular Party has ceded to the claims raised in the Socialist Group motion, because for much of the debate the councilors of the government team have maintained their opposition to reach this agreement, The "alleged unconstitutionality" on which the people maintain, is based on the Regional Housing Law that endorsed the motion raised by the Socialists.

During the debate, from the Socialist Group have insisted that this Law to which the socialists are welcomed "was approved within the Regional Assembly" and "at no time was the rejection of the PP Regional Deputies, who only Abstained. "

Hence, the socialist councilor insisted, the importance of "not prevent their debate and that it be the legal services of the consistory who pronounce and can give the green light to this initiative."

For all this, Sánchez Jódar has positively valued that they have finally been able to reach this degree of consensus, as he recalled "our commitment and agreement depends on the tranquility and well-being of many Lorca families who in their day to day suffer this sad reality."

The socialist deputy spokesman says that "had it not been possible to reach an agreement in this sense, as the PP government team initially intended, it would have been a real mockery and disrespect for those families who are robbed of their dream of the real impossibility of Not being able to face the payment of their receipts of water, electricity or gas, "sentence.

Source: PSOE Lorca

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