In the workshops, which will be developed between January and March, the different possibilities offered by these devices will be shown: how to use them, what they can serve them and what applications they can download, install and use according to their tastes and preferences, Especially for contact with family and friends
The Councilor for Policy Mayor of the City of Lorca, Fátima Mínguez, along with the leaders of the Initiatives the Giant and Fundación Vodafone Spain, Francisco Perán and Antonio Álvarez, respectively, presented this morning the workshops on the use of smartphones that Will be developed throughout the municipality and are aimed at older people, framed within a digital literacy project.
Fátima Mínguez explained that "the project aims to generalize knowledge in the use of advanced mobile devices among the elderly people of Lorca, and is part of a collaboration agreement signed by the Foundation Initiatives the Giant and Vodafone Spain Foundation, with the Collaboration of the Council of the Mayor of the Consistory Lorca. The workshops will be taught in the Mayor's Centers throughout the municipality, and is free for all participants.
The Councilor of the Mayor added that "in those workshops, each major will receive an easy-to-use manual of the Smartphone both Android and IOS (Iphone), will show the different possibilities offered by these devices: how to use them to call, receive or Send text messages, save contacts to the calendar, make photos and videos, connect to the internet, configure the email account, ... - what they can serve you and what applications can download, install and use according to your tastes and preferences , Especially for the contact with relatives and friends ".
"The initiatives foresee the training of more than 500 seniors between January and March 2017, and will be given in three sessions of 2 hours. Of the 21 workshops to be offered, there are already confirmed 16, which Will be developed throughout the municipality: Campillo, Purias, San José, Barrio San Cristóbal Civic Center, Cultural Center, Tercia, Alfonso X, Level crossing, Los Angeles, Coy, Zarcilla de Ramos, La Campana, La Pulgara, Doña Inés and Cegarra, among others. "
The Edil del Mayor, lastly, emphasized that "the appearance of these devices has generated a new communication environment that older people have to assimilate in order to benefit from services that will help them live with greater personal autonomy and independence. Attending workshops or receiving programming information, registration is required either at the Iniciativas Foundation or at the Mayor's Council, located at Alameda de Cervantes, number 30.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca