The Citizens Municipal Group makes an evaluation of the motions that were presented in the ordinary plenary yesterday.
Regarding the motion of "open courtyards", it was unanimously approved to launch this initiative, to open in non-school hours the sports facilities of schools that act as a space for public use for families, children and adolescents outside school hours, At weekends and during school holidays, thus giving an alternative of leisure that is exercised autonomously in a safe, free and proximity.
The motion on the regulation of the allocation of municipal groups, it was agreed that both intervention and secretariat report on the limitations on spending, so that it can be known at any time in what or not, a municipal group can do Use of the money from their economic allocation.
The motion on the sale of the chairs of Friday of Sorrows and Domingo de Ramos was rejected by the votes of the PP and IU, and the abstention of the PSOE.
The Government Team is based on the fact that the management by the Cofradías "is already being carried out" although it is not true, implicitly acknowledging that it should be done this way.
Source: Ciudadanos Lorca