The workshops are held at the Centro Cultural Francisco Méndez de San Cristóbal, in the social centers of Alfonso X, Marchena, Coy, Morata, Tercia, Campillo, La Viña and La Parroquia, Paso a Nivel and Los Ángeles, as well as in the Center Of Local Development
The Councilor for Policy of the Mayor in the City of Lorca, Fátima Mínguez, visited this morning the 22 elderly who participate in the course of cognitive stimulation and internet that organizes this area of ​​municipal management and that are held in Centro Civico Francisco Méndez in The neighborhood of San Cristóbal.
Fátima Mínguez has reported that "for the third time since the year 2015, the Municipal Council has expanded its offer of courses and workshops for the elderly group of our municipality, scheduled for the months of February to June. Courses of gerontogimnasia that will be offered later, for these months we have planned to develop a total of 26 courses, 5 more than last year being these cognitive stimulation, creative classroom and ballroom dancing.
The Edil Mayor Policy has explained that "we are talking about a battery of activities that have been specifically designed by this municipal area to respond to the demand expressed by our elders. We follow the line we have undertaken since the implementation of this Concejalía, that is to say, to confirm the figure of the major lorquinos as protagonists and directors of the programs and actions that we carry out, parking the certainly passive role and receiver that is mistakenly given to the collective.These courses are the ones that they themselves demand, Achieving a full identification of our elders with the activities that are designed. "
According to the Ministry of Migration, "of the 26 courses offered, 7 correspond to the area of ​​Health and Welfare, specifically to Cognitive Stimulation, where personal autonomy is promoted and dependence is prevented, physical and psychic abilities are kept as long as possible and Improves the subjective perception of one's own health.In the area of ​​New Technologies (internet, improvement, initiation to computer science and creative classroom), where they expand their knowledge in information technology and communication technologies (ICTs) to apply them to everyday life , Personal, family and social according to their interests and needs correspond 8 and 11 to the Creative and Artistic area that covers courses in painting, ballroom dancing, story telling, cutting and making and crafts, which are done with the aim of being A space of encounter and formation in artistic techniques oriented to maintain the personal autonomy and to develop the individual and / or group creativity ".
The total number of adults who will participate in these programs amounts to 301 people, with the attendance of 99 to the workshops of Cognitive Stimulation, 71 to those of New Technologies and 131 to those of a Creative and Artistic nature.
They are developed in the Centro Civico Francisco Méndez of San Cristóbal, in the social centers of Alfonso X, Marchena, Coy, Morata, Tercia, Campillo, La Viña and La Parroquia, Paso a Nivel and Los Angeles, as well as in the Development Center Local.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca