The councilor of IU-V, Adoración Peñas, has appeared this morning before the media to give an account of the set of allegations and suggestions of his political group to advance the Special Plan for Protection and Integral Rehabilitation of the Historic Complex of Lorca (PEPRICH) .
Peñas explains that IU-V has synthesized its proposals on this document in 11 large blocks that highlight errors and gaps of the Plan and above all unjustified changes in the degrees of protection of more than two dozens of properties cataloged by the previous PEPRI.
The first reflection of IU-V in its document of allegations indicates that "the only solution to the state of ruin and abandonment in which the historic center of Lorca is located is the combination of several factors." First political will beyond words , Then public money in quantity and well managed, to be spent addressing the whole as an integral whole, beyond recovering churches, mansions and palaces of individuals, and third application of two basic laws: the Spanish Historical Heritage Law and the Of Cultural Heritage of the Region of Murcia.
The lack of participation of the social groups that have formed around the defense of the local heritage, beyond the legal process of public information, is another of the gaps denounced by IU-V in the Advance of PEPRICH.
The same thing happens, says Adoración Peñas, with the absence in the Report of the Advance of an exhaustive evaluation of PEPRI that is reviewed and left behind.
That document, the Councilor is abundant, should have made a timely evaluation of the degree of compliance with the previous Plan that is intended to be revised and expanded and formally approved in March 2000. Neither can nor should it be reviewed. Have evaluated the achievement of the objectives set, and the effectiveness and efficiency thereof in order to achieve those objectives.
Going deeper in the lagoons of the new PEPRICH, Adoración Peñas also points out as essential three issues: 1) that this document does not contemplate any measure that guarantees some kind of public return of rehabilitation aids, especially when these are large and cover a Significant percentage of rehabilitation;
2) that the PEPRICH regulations do not include any sanctioning regime, absolutely necessary in instruments of this nature;
And 3) that a provision similar to that already contemplated by the Spanish Historical Heritage Law, Article 36, should not be included in the articles, so that non-compliance with the obligations established for the owners is a cause of social interest for compulsory expropriation Of protected assets.
However, what is most serious for IU-V is the lack of protection of the historical and cultural heritage of Lorca that is reflected in the Advancement and that is clearly evident in the unjustified variation downward of the degree of protection of the buildings that until now protected, At least on paper, the previous document.
There are 25 buildings that change their degree of protection.
One of them goes from 1 to 3. Three of them go from grade 2 to grade 3. Two go from grade 3 to stay without any protection, and most of them go from grade 3 to a new grade, 4, where it is already allowed all.
IU-V denounces in its allegations that this variation of degrees will also make it possible, and it seems to be what is intended, many constructions of covered floors or penthouses in many of the buildings that to date had a degree of protection 2, and even in Some of them that maintain it, with the impact that this will provoke in the historical set of Lorca.
Other issues raised by IU-V in their allegations go on to suggest the creation of a specialized municipal service related to heritage conservation that goes beyond pure normative application;
For suggesting that in the territorial delimitation of PEPRICH, and given the existing contiguity with it, include both the old bridge of San Cristobal and the Fountain of Gold, currently under restoration, or to remedy the surprising lagoon that has been detected in The card 1- BIC real estate, of the whole Castle of Lorca, since in its historical review does not make any reference to the synagogue, which we understand is part of the cultural heritage of Lorca, although it has been integrated into the hotel facility present On the hill of the Castle.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca