The day, called "Rural associative networks: to grow and to create together" and that deals with the associationism and the citizen participation, is directed especially to people who integrate the cultural, sporting, feminine, neighborly, educative and juvenile associations, among other
The Councilors of Rural Development and Citizen Participation of the City of Lorca, Angel Meca and Maria del Carmen Ruiz, presented this morning the First Meeting of Rural Associations of Pedanias Lorca, which will be held on Saturday May 27 at the Social Center Of Zuñiga.
The same is organized by the Espartaria Federation and has the collaboration of the Consistory Lorca.
The day, called "Rural associative networks: to grow and create together", which deals with associationism and citizen participation, is aimed especially at people who integrate cultural, sports, women, neighborhood, educational, youth or Of any other kind.
In addition, they have an open format, so that anyone who is interested can attend.
The objectives of this First Meeting of Rural Associations of Pedanías de Lorca are to photograph the current situation of associations in rural areas;
Develop a strategy to promote partnership and participation by seeking to build a rural area where there are more communication channels and citizen collaboration for the benefit of society and the municipality;
Create spaces for reflection, debate, formation and meeting of the social fabric, so that different associations can talk, talk and share experiences and initiatives, strengthening cooperation between associations.
In addition, these conferences are also intended to publicize the functioning of neighborhood councils as a new form of citizen participation and districts in our districts, as well as inform about the current association law and energize relations between sectors, local administration and Associative.
On the other hand, it is also worth mentioning that they also aim to foster, energize and strengthen alliances, coordination and participation to promote full citizenship in all areas of public, private and society life.
The program of events for the day of Saturday May 27 is as follows:
9:30 p.m.
Welcome and delivery of material.
9:30 a.m. to 9:45 p.m.
Opening and presentation of the Day by the Mayor of Lorca, Fulgencio Gil;
The Councilor for Citizen Participation, María del Carmen Ruíz;
The Councilor for Rural Development, Angel Mecca;
And the President of the Espartaria Federation, Bienvenida Fernández.
9: 45-11 hours.
Associations, the necessary citizen energy by Fernando Pindado, Commissioner of Citizen Participation and Active Democracy of the Barcelona City Council.
11 at 11:15 p.m.
Coffee break.
11:15 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.
Management of an Association.
Rules of Association in force by Mari Carmen Pérez, Law Degree and lawyer in practice, civil and commercial mediator.
11:30 a.m. to 11:40 p.m.
Protect your Association: Data Protection Act by Anselmo Candel.
11:40 a.m.
Neighborhood Boards as a new form of Citizen Participation.
Districts in Pedanías by María del Carmen Ruiz, Councilor of Citizen Participation and Rosa Bermejo, Technician of Citizen Participation of the City of Lorca.
12 to 13 hours.
Roundtable: Challenges and Opportunities of Associations.
Speakers of Rural Development and Citizen Participation of the City of Lorca, Ángel Meca and María del Carmen Ruiz;
The president of Cazalla Intercultural, Manuel Semitiel, along with representatives of associations of neighbors, women and the mayor.
1:30 p.m.
Closing of the day by the Councilors of Rural Development and Citizen Participation of the City of Lorca, Angel Meca and Maria del Carmen Ruiz.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca