The spokesman of IU-Verdes Lorca, Pedro Sosa, has denounced that the rehabilitation and recovery works of the Fuente del Oro, in the avenue of Santa Clara, which are about to conclude, violate the most basic accessibility conditions for people with mobility Reduced and rules of different rank and enforced observance for the City, thus leaving in defense of the demands that this collective has made in Lorca through different social networks.
Sosa has alluded to Royal Legislative Decree 1/2013 of 29 November approving the Consolidated Text of the General Law on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities;
Law 5/1995, of April 7, of the Regional Assembly, of habitability conditions in residential buildings and promotion of accessibility in general;
And Order VIV / 561/2010 of February 1, which develops the technical document on basic conditions of accessibility and non-discrimination for access and use of urbanized public spaces, such as the normative texts that the City of Blatantly.
Sosa expressed his perplexity because a new work, budgeted at 265,000 euros, subsidized under the Master Plan for the recovery of the heritage of Lorca, which was preceded by a timely technical project and has the necessary facultative management, does not meet the needs of the Group of people with reduced mobility.
The only two accesses practicable to the fountain will be realized through stairs that have replaced the ramp that allowed the connection to different level between the avenue of Santa Clara and the restored monument.
The mayor of IU-Verdes has demanded the immediate stoppage of the works, and the reconsideration of the project to guarantee the enjoyment of the space soon recovered to all Lorca, regardless of their level of mobility.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca