Pedro Sosa again criticizes the lack of maintenance and cleanliness of the peripheral neighborhoods of the city and encourages neighbors to report when they observe deficiencies or accumulation of dirt
Pedro Sosa, a spokesman for Izquierda Unida Verdes, has called on citizens to improve the unfortunate aspect of certain areas of the city, the neglect of functions of the government team in terms of maintenance and cleanliness and lack of civism of some citizens.
As an example has put the newly remodeled sidewalk of Perez Street, but there are many more, where the dirt becomes more palpable to have chosen light-colored paving stones.
"If the City Council did not plan to adequately clean this area with water under pressure, it should have better selected the type of pavement sign," says Sosa.
He also criticizes the attitude of some uncivilized people, who have trash cans by hand, throw chewing gum on the floor, how difficult it is to remove them later, or lower the trash bags dripping with liquid waste that once dry, become dirt streams.
Limusa's lack of resources and personnel, which are some of the reasons why its workers are going to go on strike, means that some traders in this street and in other parts of the city have to clean the stretches daily. sidewalk of their shops to adjust the exterior appearance of their establishments, a task, which in the opinion of the mayor should do the City Council that for that charges the garbage rates.
Lastly, the mayor of the left encourages those who observe damages in the streets or sidewalks, problems in the garden areas, accumulations of garbage, etc., put him in contact of his municipal group or of his associations of neighbors, to that pushing between all we manage to put the batteries to the municipal officials, so that little by little we get a city worthy of being envied.
Source: IU-verdes Lorca