The same has been done in collaboration between the City of Lorca, SEF, IMAS and SSAP.
More than 60 workers have participated in the local administrations of Totana, Alhama de Murcia, Aledo, Librilla, Mazarrón, Aguilas, Puerto Lumbreras and Lorca
The Councilor for Social Welfare of the City of Lorca, Fátima Mínguez, inaugurated this morning a working day of "Coordination between employment services and social services to improve the socio-labor insertion of people at risk or situation of social exclusion" has done in collaboration with the SEF, IMAS and SSAP.
Fátima Mínguez explained that "today we had the opportunity to know the conclusions obtained by the working group formed in May 2016 with the participation of 9 municipalities, 2 mancomunidades and professionals of the IMAS and SEF.It should be noted that all the work developed through this group has been condensed in the Protocol of Coordination promoted by the SEF and IMAS and today we have made known.
The Councilor for Social Welfare has said that "these days, which have been held since September 28 in different parts of the regional geography, are held today in our city with the presence of more than 60 workers from the local administrations of Totana, Alhama de Murcia, Aledo, Librilla, Mazarrón, Aguilas, Puerto Lumbreras and Lorca. And that is that working together and continuously on the level of social services and employment will always allow us to obtain the best conclusions that impact on the benefit of our neighbors".
Mínguez stressed that "from the City of Lorca we hope that this day is very useful and creates a solid foundation on which the optimal strategies to improve the labor insertion of those at risk of social exclusion. cities, we find young people who can not access a first job, even older people who have been robbed of their hard work in recent years and who have not been able to get one. administrations we have to work to open the necessary doors and make available to our neighbors the relevant tools to return to the world of work that will offer them economic security, but also an improvement in coexistence and even a plus in the soul, a forward momentum of great value".
The Edil de Bienestar Social, lastly, wanted to thank the participants in this day "their commitment and their desire to be even more useful to users. Being a professional in the social area is not a job but a vocation; with the sensitivity, aptitude and professionalism necessary, if not, is not suitable for this work.The citizens of your localities are very fortunate to have professionals as committed as you who continue demonstrating your vocation to be even more useful to society ".
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca