The PSOE managed to take forward their motion with which they requested the start-up of the Special Complaints and Suggestions Committee, as well as a second body, for the resolution of economic-administrative claims, to which citizens may take shelter to defend themselves against errors or abuses committed by the local administration.
The motion, which was finally approved unanimously, was about to be rejected by the councilors of the Popular Party, who initially refused to implement these bodies, despite being required to create by the Law of Large Cities
The Plenary Session of the Municipality of Lorca unanimously approved the implementation of the Special Complaints and Suggestions Committee, as well as another body for the resolution of economic-administrative claims.
Two bodies "cost 0" for the municipal coffers, provided by law, which will serve to increase the protection and defense of the rights of citizens.
Mateos celebrates that Lorca can count on these two organs to which the citizens of Lorca can qualify as a kind of "Ombudsman".
The Lorca will thus have more spaces to appeal to in case of errors or abuses, administrative or economic, that may be committed by the City of Lorca.
Mateos stressed that finally, and thanks to this initiative, the Popular Party has recognized that in addition to creating bodies necessary to ensure the collection of taxes to citizens, those others are also necessary for Lorca to defend themselves in case that , as also happens "are overcharged the citizens, or commit other abuses or errors from the local administration."
Diego José Mateos has celebrated that this initiative finally went ahead, in spite of the opposition that the Mayor and the Popular Party councilors maintained during a good part of the debate in the Plenary.
It was not until the intervention of the Socialist Spokesman, together with the express recommendations of the Secretary and the Municipal Comptroller, when the Popular Party finally recognized the suitability of approving this socialist initiative.
Since the PSOE regret that, at times, Gil Jódar and the rest of the Popular Party councilors kept the vote against this initiative that, in addition to being "just as necessary", is "mandatory compliance", as it is contemplated in the Law in the article 137 of the Law of Bases of Local Regime, for the resolution of the economic-administrative claims, as well as in the own Organic Regulation of the Corporation in articles like the 6, the 27.2.2 or the 65.3.c) .
In spite of obtaining the unanimous approval of the Plenary, Mateos assures that he will remain "vigilant".
The Socialist Spokesperson is "confident" but remains skeptical, remembering that these bodies should be constituted, by law, for eight years, and not because of the refusal of the Popular Party during all this time.
Source: PSOE Lorca