Antonio Meca has been demanding since October 2017 "explanations to the Government Team about the procedures followed for the acquisition of four vehicles separately and on a finger".
Once the files for the purchase of these vehicles have been reviewed, irregularities are observed when checking that the budgets of five different concessionaires do not exist, certified by the person in charge of the service to have requested them.
On this issue the Councilor for Citizens has requested on November 10 the reliable documents that prove the request of those budgets, the proof of receipt of this request, the supporting documents of the offers received and of course, the budgets alluded to.
"Two months later we have not received a response from the Government Team and therefore we will present a motion at the next plenary session in January to clarify these circumstances and to confirm the suspicions of irregularities committed in the acquisition of these vehicles, we will ask the cessation of the auxiliary technician responsible for maintenance of the vehicle fleet and that these responsibilities are carried directly from the contracting services, "said Meca.
Also the mayor has reported that "if the Government Team does not clarify these circumstances, will be brought to the attention of the judicial authority if serious irregularities are observed." Remember that the Mayor himself told me in the previous plenary session that if I suspect illegalities that " Cross the street".
Source: Ciudadanos Lorca