New initiative of the PSOE to end the neglect that the City of Lorca, through the government team of the Popular Party, maintains towards the districts.
For the socialists, the districts of Lorca are also Lorca.
The Municipal Socialist Group will present, at the next Plenary Session of the Lorca City Council, a motion with demands from the residents of Cazalla.
This has been announced by Antonio Navarro, councilor of the PSOE, who has given an account of the broad dossier of requests that neighbors have been demanding for years, without the Popular Party has taken over.
Navarro assures that the wide dossier that every year presents the Neighborhood Association obeys to the years of abandonment and to the continuous breaches of the Popular Party.
Therefore, far from decreasing the demands, to the most historic continue to add new problems that need a solution.
The Socialists make special emphasis on needs for the hamlet, such as widening the Puente el Ronco crossing, the adequacy and cleanliness of the shoulders of the Feli road for the construction of a bike path that communicates that of Camino Central with the Águilas road, as well as the culmination of the Feli road lighting project, or the repair of the fence and pavement of the football field.
To these demands, common sense, adds the lack of generalized maintenance in the hamlet, as well as the need to address improvements in roads, in the public lighting of the Central Way, as well as in the premises of the social premises, its premises and the children's playground, among others.
Navarro encourages the current Mayor and his council to "lose their fear and face" to the neighbors who claim improvements for the district.
Therefore, with your motion, will promote a meeting between the City of Lorca and a representation of the various collective of the district "within 15 days."
From the PSOE, they want that in this new meeting they put "on the table" all the demands of the neighbors, so that according to the budgetary availability, a scheduled schedule of actions is established.
The PSOE is also concerned that the Mayor has left "halfway" the lighting project of Feli's road.
For that reason, they will ask again to extend the lighting on this road to give security to all the neighbors of this road.
Navarro recalls that Gil Jódar committed to the neighbors that the new lighting would reach the most populated core of this road and have not done so due to lack of planning, leaving the area with the highest housing density "without street lighting".
Source: PSOE Lorca