The Councilman of Sports of the City of Lorca, Juan Miguel Bayonas, along with the president of the Hunters Association of Lorca (CAZALOR), Zeno Pascual, have awarded the prize that each year gives this group to Lorca best ranked in the various hunting championships .
Bayonas has advanced that "this year recognizes the work of Juan Pedro Martínez Simón, who last season was among the top three classified in the Region and fifth in Spain", which has congratulated for this fact and "to bear the name of Lorca by different places of the regional and national panorama ".
For his part, the president of the hunters of Lorca, Zeno Pascual wanted to insist "on the character and ecological work of hunting, to maintain the ecosystem and its help to conserve endangered species."
Pascual stressed that "trophy hunting can generate economic benefits, government and population support, and provide benefits for biodiversity, as long as it is developed within the law."
The hunting license in the Autonomous Region of the Region may be obtained by natural persons of legal age or minors but authorized over the age of 14, in writing by any of the parents, guardians or those in charge of their custody.
In addition to other documents such as the compulsory insurance of civil liability of the hunter and of own damages due to an accident that occurred during the sports practice.
The Federation of Hunting of the Region of Murcia is the one that every year gathers greater number of licenses.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Lorca